FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1987


I don't think it's physicists who are being hunted...

There's a hunt for any money out there. Everywhere they can make money)
There's a hunt for all kinds of money. Everywhere they can make money)

you can't catch three birds with one stone...

there are hedgers, there are big speculators, there are small speculators...

some of them get caught, some of them make money...

Vladimir Zubov:

What do you mean by that?

Is selling bad?

Or maybe buying is bad...

or is it good to do both ?

Exactly what I wanted to say. Just because it has historically been selling somewhere for 250-300 years doesn't mean it will always be that way.

And the time for such "change" is not decades, but much less.

selling and buying is good ))

Selling is not always right.

Well and there are still questions to be asked....))

How was wheat production in that period ? )) That it sold out is clear. What about stocks? )) Has the price of flour gone down? Due to a glut in the market? ))

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Judging from the beginning of this thread, you and paco did some kind of automation of some kind of ideas from the strenge - did it work out?

Good night.

No, it didn't.


and here it's half an hour earlier

and on oanda, too, I think.

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EUR/USD Котировка в реальном времени |
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good night.

No, it didn't work.

if it's no secret, what did you do - an options indicator or something else ?

i think there was some kind of oli 2.0 - option indicator ?


I've been talking to some of the big western banks...

as Stranger wrote, "only the un-normal go to the banks as analysts."

stranger feel sorry for your feelings, in forex with "normal" is just a pipe job. By the way, foro generates no money, someone gave and someone took. you can hardly hope for success, having barely learned how to solve the square equation.

By the way, "bank dudes" rarely beat s&p. They're just kids who need to be paid.


close the holes for 300 farts?


Stranger feels sorry for your feelings, on forex with "normal" just a pipe. The most comfortable business is money out of money. the organisers can't miss out, the broker is pecking away at the grain. and the "physicists" are fighting for a probability much lower than that of roulette. what amazing hubris one needs to have in order to enter the fray. the forex does not generate money, someone gave, someone took. you can hardly hope to succeed, having barely learned how to solve quadratic equations.

By the way, "bank dudes" rarely beat s&p. They're just kids who need to be paid.

If you can lose more than the spread, you can win.

Strange is proving with his predictions that you can win.

that was not obvious to me ...