Critique of MetaTrader 5 on the FORTS - page 5


What is holding me back from switching to MT5 in the Russian market is the lack of brokers providing the opportunity to enter the stock market. Why only FORTS and no one is in a hurry to enter the stock market?

And only in 2nd place is the lack of tape

The lack of OCO orders is a sore point of MetaTrader5. Unfortunately, it is impossible to implement simultaneous operation of Take Profit and Stop Loss orders for some positions without them.
OCO can be implemented programmatically, but it would be better if it were an internal function.

What is holding me back from switching to MT5 in the Russian market is the lack of brokers providing the opportunity to enter the stock market. Why only FORTS and no one is in a hurry to enter the stock market?

And only in 2nd place is the lack of tape

Looks like you can't wait for funds. Brokers have nothing to do with it, they say we are all for it. But the terminal doesn't allow it, only derivatives.
Looks like you won't be waiting for the funds. Brokers have nothing to do with it, they say we are all for it. But the terminal doesn't allow it, only derivatives.
OOO, that's a bummer (
What site are you on?) What does it have to do with iTinvest etc? We are talking specifically about the MT5 terminal and server.
The question was about the reliability of the stops. With local stops on the client side - reliability is low, with stops - on MetaTrader server - it's higher! But this is not a guarantee! AITInvest - I cited as an example, when Hackers for a week and a half brought down the servers of the broker. And OTKRYTIE broker is being raided too, but it has coped with attacks so far! All brokers are being raided! Our company also uses MT5 servers - not an exception, so the case with AITINVEST showed to all that stops on broker servers are not a panacea. They all can go down!
The question was about the reliability of the stops. With local stops on the client side, reliability is low, with stops - on the MetaTrader server - it's higher! But this is not a guarantee! AITInvest - I cited as an example, when Hackers for a week and a half brought down the servers of the broker. And OTKRYTIE broker is being raided too, but it has coped with attacks so far! All brokers are being raided! Our company also uses МТ5 servers - not an exception, so the case with AITINvest showed to everybody that stops on brokers' servers are not a panacea. They all may fall!
This is not the point. How do you know that MT5 FORTS has stops / stakes on the server? I, for example, am not so sure - based on practice.
That's not what this is about. How do you know that in MT5 FORTS the stops/takes are on the server? I, for example, am not so sure - based on practice.
How do you know? From the user manual! I always read the manual before using new software
"A Trailing Stop is always related to an open position or a pending order. It is executed in the client terminal and not on the server like a Stop Loss. "
How? From the user manual! I always read the manual before using new software
"A Trailing Stop is always associated with an open position or a pending order. It is executed in the client terminal and not on the server like a Stop Loss. "
This is written for forex. For FORTS it is slightly different. Unless, of course, the developer corrects - me or stop)
This is written for forex. For FORTS it's slightly different. Unless, of course, the developer corrects - me or stop)
What forex? Where is this phrase? Give me a link! OPENWORKS representatives say so explicitly
No one would have switched to MT5 - if it didn't have a server stop.
Александр Дубров на конференции трейдеров смартлаба в Москве / dr-mart / Клуб трейдеров sMart-Lab. Мы делаем деньги на бирже.
Конференция трейдеров смартлаба. 20.03.2014. Александр Дубров, Открытие Брокер рассказывает: про торговлю через Metatrder 5 на срочном рынке Московской Биржи
The currency section on the MOEX is already implemented and in testing. The stock section too.

It's all coming up soon. Then options.