Beta version of MetaTrader 4 IDE including new MQL4 compiler and editor - page 9


3. also added:

OnTimer for Expert Advisors and indicators

OnChartEvent for Expert Advisors and indicators

OnTester for Expert Advisors

Release the OnChartEvent button? Or just press the make button?

En - OnChartEvent: on button release ? Or just on button press ?


Release the OnChartEvent button? Or just press the make button?

En - OnChartEvent: on button release ? Or just on button press ?

It will be the same as in 5. Similar as in the MT5.

If such feature (about OnChartEvent) will be implemented in the MT5 then it will be in the MT4 too


StringToColor in MQL4

1. no help text

2. other string transformation functions use "Str" in their names. example StrToTime

Make an analogue of StrToColor or make the old functions deprecated.

And by the way, StringToInteger gives long and StrToInteger int is ok?



3. also added:

OnTimer for Expert Advisors and indicators

OnChartEvent for Expert Advisors and indicators

OnTester for Expert Advisors

I tried to use the "OnTester" but the compiler generates warnings against"TesterStatistics". When will "TesterStatistics" work?

When compiling the .cpp, the errors are in red text.

Please make a request to servicedesk. Please attach to the request editor's log (with speckled characters). Am I right, the studio itself writes something like"error C4430: missing type specifier - assumed int".
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I tried using "OnTester", the compiler swears at "TesterStatistics". When will "TesterStatistics" work?

It will.

We're now painstakingly working on converting all the old quadruple functions to the new rails. After that, we will start to implement new features that do not contradict the quadruple architecture

Can you tell me how the new terminal will be launched?
There will be a new release one day where some of the old EAs will not compile. Will already compiled EAs work in the new terminal? Will the support of the old terminals be discontinued, as it happened to the 500 build in August 1?
+ question about directories. In the current beta the base directory for experts is terminal\MQL\Experts, and it was terminal\experts. The import staemnts break. For example, after copying the text of an Expert Advisor, replace
#include "include/stdlib.mqh"
#include "../include/stdlib.mqh"

It remains the same or returns to MT4 directories
Can you tell me how the launch of the new terminal will work?
One day there will be a new release in which some old EAs will not compile. Will already compiled EAs work in the new terminal? Will the support of the old terminals be discontinued, as it happened to the 500 build in August 1?

As the volume of changes is large, we will be running public tests in our forums for two months without releasing to LiveUpdate.

Our task is to prepare developers, test the compatibility of existing programs and go for the release.

Of course, all old software is compatible with the new language. But a certain amount of problems will still occur - that's why we run public tests.

All the old EX4 files from the old compiler are fully supported by the new terminal version as before.

+ question about directories. In current beta, the base directory for Expert Advisors is terminal\MQL\Experts, while it was terminal\experts. Some staemnts are broken. For example, after the copying of the text of an Expert Advisor to replace
#include "include/stdlib.mqh"
#include "../include/stdlib.mqh".

It will remain this way or return to the MT4 directories

When starting, terminal analyses directory/file structure of the old /experts directory and transfers known files to the new MQL4\ directory...

Those files, which are not included into the standard set of MT4 examples, are not affected and remain in their old places. EX4 files from the old \experts directory will be available in the navigator tree.

The new compiler works exclusively within the MQL4 tree. So developers had better rebuild and move to the new environment.