Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 624

Can you tell me why this might happen?

double A;
int x, y;

x=100; y=3; A=x/y=33,000
Целый тип int x=100 / Целый тип int y=3 => Целое число 33.
Так как "А" - это вещественное число, то Целое число "33" преобразовывается к вещественному и получаем 33.0
Karputov Vladimir:
Thanks Vladimir!

This is an interesting feature. You go and search in the search engine but you don't find anything. When you ask a question in the forum and wait for an answer, you find it by yourself ))

Peculiarities of working with double numbers in MQL4

Особенности работы с числами типа double в MQL4
Особенности работы с числами типа double в MQL4
  • 2009.11.02
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
В данной заметке собраны советы по решению наиболее часто возникающих ошибок при работе с числами типа double в программах на MQL4.
Please tell me, what can cause this?

double A;
int x, y;

x=100; y=3; A=x/y=33.000

as a rule, I guess:

Variables that are used in mathematical calculations, it is best to declare them as double

If these calculations use an incremental loop variable, we can use double y=y+1 or double y=y-1;

Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Заработать деньги, продавая мощности своего компьютера для сети распределенных вычислений MQL5 Cloud Network

as a rule, I guess:

Variables that are used in mathematical calculations are best declared as double.

or double y=y+1 or double y=y-1;

There is also an explicit type conversion:

double A;
int x, y;

x=100; y=3; 
A=(double)x/y; // в операциях умножения и деления достаточно привести к double только одно


Please tell me how to find a position with a certain lot among the open positions.

The symbol and the magic number are unknown. I need the following condition: if ( position's lot== 0.1) then {some action;}


Can you please tell me how to find among the open positions a position with a certain lot.

The symbol and the magic number are unknown. I need about the following condition: if ( position's lot== 0.1) then {some action;}

Here is an example of a script that goes through all open positions and compares their volume to a given one (variable"lot"):

//|                                               PositionsTotal.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property  script_show_inputs
//--- input parameter
input double lot=0.01; // искомый лот
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   int count_positions=PositionsTotal(); // количество открытых позиций
   for(int i=0;i<count_positions;i++)
      //--- возвращает символ соответствующей открытой позиции и автоматически выбирает позицию для дальнейшей работы с ней 
      string name=PositionGetSymbol(i);
         Print("PositionGetSymbol Error# ",GetLastError());

      double position_lot=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME); // получаем объем позиции
            // найдена позиция с заданным объёмом 
Karputov Vladimir:

Here's an example of a script that goes through all open positions and compares their volume to a given one (variable"lot"):

Thank you, I'm sorry, I didn't specify, is there something similar for MQL4?

Thank you, I'm sorry, I didn't specify, is there something similar for MQL4?

No, no. And why, when there is MetaTrader 5 with netting and hedging and you can trade on real exchanges?

Karputov Vladimir:

Here is an example of a script that goes through all open positions and compares their volume to a given one (variable"lot"):

Vladimir, can I ask how you envisage a position with a volume of 0.0 in this code?

      double position_lot=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME); // получаем объем позиции
Alexey Viktorov:

Vladimir, can I ask how you envisage the 0.0 position in this code?

This is a check to return the PositionGetDouble function. If it fails, it returns 0 - i.e. it is an error.