Questions from a "dummy" - page 276

I create my own, inside of which I write functionOnCalculate(), but when filling it with parameters it generates errors - please send me an example of filling.
No filling, all constants.
No fill, all constants.

Leaving constants will throw out errors on all positions

'time' - undeclared identifier
'time' - parameter conversion not allowed.

To make it clearer, please see the topic - the "Matryoshka" sectionworks!

The first formOnCalculate() is implemented there.

How to write the function for the second formOnCalculate() there?

MQL5, обработка событий: Изменяем период мувинга «на лету»
MQL5, обработка событий: Изменяем период мувинга «на лету»
  • 2010.03.11
  • Sceptic Philozoff
Предположим, что на чарт наброшен индикатор простого мувинга с периодом 13. А мы хотим изменить период до 20, но нам не хочется лезть в диалог свойств индикатора и править число 13 на 20: надоело уже пальцы стирать об мышку и клавиатуру. И уж тем более не хочется открывать код индикатора и модифицировать его. Мы хотим сделать все это однократным нажатием одной клавиши - "стрелочки вверх", расположенной рядом с цифровой клавиатурой. В этой публикации мы расскажем, как это сделать.

Leaving constants will throw out errors on all positions

'time' - undeclared identifier
'time' - parameter conversion not allowed
You should only go into freelancing with your knowledge. You need to go through the basics of programming. Variables and their types.
With your knowledge you should only go into freelancing. You need to go through the basics of programming. Variables and their types.
Thanks, I figured it out - I didn't specify the types correctly during initialization - I fixed it - it works.

I've decided to study classes, the standard library and everything related to it. I'm still learning the theory, but I'd like to clarify what the code for getting the string length from would look like exactly. Preferably with detailed comments.

#include <Strings\String.mqh>

Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека / Класс для работы со строками / CString / Len
Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека / Класс для работы со строками / CString / Len
Стандартная библиотека / Класс для работы со строками / CString / Len - справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5

Good afternoon! Can you tell me how to pass parameters to a function?

Tried to do as in the example below, what is wrong? Thanks in advance.

   struct Str{
      double parametr_1;
      int parametr_2;
      string parametr_3;}; 
   Massive MS[];


int Funcion(MS[0].parametr_1)

Funcion(double &MS[])

Can you tell me how to run an executable from an EA or script, I can't find it...
I am a user of my own product (library) in the Marketplace. After reinstalling Windows, my library has lost its license. On launching it, an invalid liciense message appeared. However, MT5 didn't offer me to re-activate the product, although the library was in the list of purchased products. Then I deleted the product file and installed the product again. MT5 wrote that the product was downloaded and installed, but the Market folder still does not contain my product file. Now when running the library, a legitimate file '***.ex5' does not find. Can anyone explain what's wrong and how to properly activate with product installation?
Vasiliy Smirnov:
You can't create your own, this one.
Why not? You can, but you have to fill in the parameters correctly.