Gentlemen site developers - please write correctly in Russian - page 6

I hope you understand that the above described phrase "to write (order, create ...) an Expert Advisor" is not correct.

Why, for example, "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4" sounds much better than "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4".

It uses a common literary device called "objectification". Here it's the same.

Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
  • 2010.06.18
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
С запуском сервиса "Работа" становится идеальным местом для размещения заказов и оказания услуг программирования. Тысячи трейдеров и разработчиков ежедневно посещают этот ресурс и с легкостью могут помочь друг другу. Для трейдера сервис "Работа" - это легкая возможность получить свой собственный эксперт. Для MQL5-разработчика это возможность легко найти новых клиентов. В данной статье мы рассмотрим возможности этого сервиса.

ZS: screenshot - the Russian language rests ))))

Particularly pleasing in this context is the Yskzhe Yskzzeg

Why, for example, "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4" sounds much better than "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4".

It uses a common literary device called "objectification". Here it's the same.

That is, instead of "how to make a table", you should write "how to make a table"?? (In case I get the idea that the table is animate)

Generally speaking, the starter post himself is mistaken in saying that someone has mixed up the genitive and accusative cases. Not at all. The accusative case answers the question "whom, what". "The expert and the indicator!" The expert is like a living person, unlike the soulless indicator.

I would write, for example, "call the expert" if you mean a living person, BUT!!! "call the expert" if you mean an expert program, as the program is not animate.

To argue about the Koran, it is advisable to read it at least once.

I, by the way, know about 1/15th of the Koran by heart, reading it from cover to cover, of course.

The Arabs believe that over 1000000000 people alive today know at least a few surahs of Koran by heart.

Of these, indeed, approximately 300000000 live in Arab countries.

By the way they say that Aladdin lived in China and understood the Maghribian, i.e. the inhabitant of West Africa.

I happen to understand conversations between Azerbaijanis, because they say a lot of Arabic words.

It is very funny.

To talk about the Koran you don't have to read it, you have to understand it! And that is possible if words used in it still retain their meaning today, which is not the case, and if you have read Koran and even if you have learned it by heart from cover to cover, you will understand, if you do understand, just the time distorted meaning it expresses, which is not what it was originally intended to convey to people.In the Koran, the Bible and other holy books sentences are made in such a way that each word is strongly meaningful, if you distort even one word in a sentence the meaning is distorted beyond recognition. All the above you have said looks more like self-promotion, and has nothing to do with the original topic of conversation, is it a rating in the eyes of readers, or just joy, like a child who has just learned to ride a bike? (it's not quite clear to me)

What about the fact that you can understand some words of other nationalities, it's so in all languages - there are words borrowed from other languages, and in all Turkic languages a very high percentage of borrowing from Arabic, actually the result is not surprising, you can also look at Tatar, Uzbek, Bashkir, there is a huge number of words borrowed from Arabic.


!!! You don't have to read a book to argue about it ???

About the Tatar - that makes me laugh, thank you.

I would write, for example, "call the expert" if it means a living person, but!!! "call the expert" if it means an expert program, as the program is not animate.

Then why, meaning expert software, does the website sayHow to write an expert or an indicator?

What are we arguing about? Correct ;). Sorry, got confused by the quotes, mistook you for stringo.


Generally speaking, the starter post himself is mistaken in saying that someone has mixed up the genitive and accusative cases. Not at all. The accusative case answers the question "whom, what". "The expert and the indicator!" An expert is like a living person, unlike a soulless indicator.

Mm-hm No. 2...

I don't even want to go further into this topic (so as not to offend anyone), butstringo himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, has pointed out the main reason for delusions of some forum participants (and in general, people who consider themselves native speakers) on this issue.

In fact, everything is banality simple. For a long time, the word "expert" was applied only to people, and therefore considered an animate noun. An animate noun "expert" in the accusative case is written as "to appoint (call, engage) an expert" and does not generally cause problems for anyone.

But then that very word came to be used to refer to magazines, hypermarkets, codes, etc.; the word began to refer to inanimate objects. Inanimate nouns like "expert" ("easel", "dessert") do not have endings in the accusative case.

Therefore, the phrase "the expert is like a living person" is nothing but an attempt to justify the improper application of the accusative case to an inanimate noun of the 2nd declension.

stringo 2010.11.30 11:33 2010.11.30 11:33:53

The subject of the article "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4" sounds much better than "How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4".

It uses a common literary device called "objectification". It's the same here.

This rejoinder in general makes me smile. In itself, the phrase "to order a robot" means, according to the rules of the Russian language, to order someone inanimate, such as "to order an administrator" or "to order a moderator".

In this context, the verb "to order" is understood as "to kill someone", like the title of the article "How to order the killing of a trading robot". Probably sounds better to some people than the correct use of an inanimate noun in the accusative case.

One thing is clear: misuse of accusative nouns may be put down to slang or use of a literary device called "objectification" on a purely technical website. The master is the boss. I'm going to use ekspertam, develop ekspertam, make corrections in ekspertam :):):)


Gentlemen Russian language experts, the Russian language is very versatile, and it has many more exceptions than other languages. And there are far more exceptions than you can imagine. The knowledge taken from a school Russian language textbook is not exhaustive.

Here, for example, is a quote from D. E. Rosenthal's Handbook on Spelling and Stylistics: "When animate nouns are used to refer to objects, there are two forms of the accusative case. Cf.: to observe an artificial earth satellite, to launch a new satellite - to launch new satellites(in professional usage). Only: Jupiter has four satellites."

And don't, please, twist things around by attributing exaggerations, hyperbole and the like to us "make the table", "corrections in the expertam". What's incomprehensible about the phrase"writing an expert"? Ah Russian grammar is broken? Are you sure? Are you sure about that? Can you prove it?

Go and study MQL5 better...


...Only: Jupiter has four satellites."

In a twisted way. But Jupiter has four satellites.

All right, everyone in the garden!