Errors, bugs, questions - page 3136

Yury Lemeshev #:

So good, and how?

I don't. Who are you listening to?

Yury Lemeshev #:

When you use the sync check, it only affects the first line with the first character, and as a result the other 6 don't even go

so you process the first character? :

if(SymbolIsSynchronized(euSY01)==true && SymbolInfoDouble(euSY01,SYMBOL_BID,euSY01b)==true && SymbolInfoDouble(euSY01,SYMBOL_ASK,euSY01a)==true && euSY01b>0 && euSY01a>0)

what about the others?

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

I don't. Who are you listening to?

Thank you. Do you know how he handles tics?

Алексей Тарабанов #:

Thank you. Do you know how it handles ticks?

The software handles it itself, from top to bottom.

There is clearly not enough code in OnTick to fully understand what is going on.
Yury Lemeshev #:

what value should SymbolInfoDouble(euSY07,SYMBOL_BID,euSY07b) have if the value did not come for some reason?

Once upon a time there was a problem on the first run

This line solved the problem

 double TickValue=SymbolInfoDouble(mSymbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE);
 if(TickValue==0) { Print("TickValue: ", mSymbol," = ",TickValue); return;}
I don't see any problems in the logbook now, but I don't remove the check
Vitaly Muzichenko #:

The programme processes itself, from top to bottom.

What programme? He has a line of code - a tick.

Алексей Тарабанов #:

What program? His line of code is a tick.

You don't even know what program he has. You have to start there. :)

and we're all telepaths here... :)


Macro highlighting in ME starts only from the line where that macro was defined in the include file.