Errors, bugs, questions - page 287



And where do you want to put a stop for such a quotation quality )))) ?

The time is strange with too big difference between ticks for different pairs, almost 10 minutes

Swaps have an amazing property to widen. The question is on what news.

Has 2012 really proved it? :)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it, it's like a whip before the new build )) don't want to upgrade, get the spike ))

Swaps have the wonderful property of expanding. The question is on what news this is.

Is 2012 a reality, has it been proven yet? :)

Did you know that according to some astronomers there are 3 huge spaceships flying towards us? :))
Did you know that according to some astronomers there are 3 huge spaceships coming towards us? :))
I know. Does that affect the exchange rate now too? :)
В 2012 году на Землю высадится НЛО   |
Ученые обнаружили три гигантских НЛО, длина которых составляет десятки километров, движущихся в сторону Земли, передает По предварительным данным, высадится на нашей планете инопланетяне смогут в середине декабря 2012 года. На этой дате, напомним, как раз заканчивается календарь майя. На Землю летят НЛО Такое заявление сделали...
Did you know that according to some astronomers there are 3 huge spaceships coming towards us? :))
Oh, are there girls on it?
Auto upgrade to 387 build. Candle down everywhere. Deleted and re-downloaded history. It's still the same. Is the server shaking or is there a bug in the code?
Auto update to 387 build. All the way down the candle. Deleted and re-downloaded history. It's still the same. Server walks around or there is a bug in the code?

1. They are sorting it out now, let's wait a bit. It seems to have been corrected already.

2012 is cancelled, there will be no "girls".

2. For decency, it is desirable and return the deposits to the actual state, even a demo and - 9 086 616.63 is already too much...



2. For the sake of decorum it is desirable to return the deposits to their current state, even though the demo is - 9 086 616.63 is already too much...

No need. To leave it as a monument. Those who do not put their own stops )). Let them watch and do not put...
No need. Leave it as a monument. For those who do not put stops-out). Let them watch and not put...

And stop-losses, stop-out's on what...? Put theory into practice! ...Until the end of the world.

Thanks to the developers for the reply and the links in the Service-Desk section. Didn't make it there in time.