Errors, bugs, questions - page 1799

The SD pointed out an inappropriate screenshot. Replaced it and it was clear that it was my fault. Sorry

What was the problem?

Vladislav Andruschenko:

What was the problem?

In the screenshot, there were no prices on these symbols.

When chasing (all characters) with Metaquotes-Demo trade queries, I encountered a situation where SYMBOL_BID and SYMBOL_ASK returned zeros.

What is the possible nature of this outcome?

Does anyone do a check to make sure the prices returned are correct?
I don't know if it's right or wrong that sometimes zeros are returned, but I've been trying to do checks on all trading environment variables before using them for some time now. This is because.


2017.02.13 15:36:35.733 '5122740': buy limit 1.00 SNGP-3.17 at 32305
2017.02.13 15:36:35.793 '5122740': accepted buy limit 1.00 SNGP-3.17 at 32305
2017.02.13 15:39:35.734 '5122740': failed buy limit 1.00 SNGP-3.17 at 32305 [Request timeout]

The request was

Request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING (5)
Request.magic = 0
Request.order = 0
Request.symbol = SNGP-3.17
Request.volume = 1.0
Request.price = 32305.0
Request.stoplimit = 0.0 = 0.0 = 0.0
Request.deviation = 100
Request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT (2)
Request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_RETURN (2)
Request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY (1)
Request.expiration = 1970.01.01 00:00:00
Request.comment = My Order
Request.position = 0
Request.position_by = 0
Result.retcode = 10012 = 0
Result.order = 133724360
Result.volume = 0.0
Result.price = 0.0 = 0.0
Result.ask = 0.0
Result.comment = Request timeout 179998.389 + 0.001 ms
Result.request_id = 46123
Result.retcode_external = 0
We need to fix the server. Do the developers have any reliability checking scripts?
The brakes are also observed on the forex symbols.
Result.retcode = 10012 = 0
Result.order = 133724360
Result.volume = 0.0
Result.price = 0.0 = 0.0
Result.ask = 0.0
Result.comment = Request timeout 179998.389 + 0.001 ms
Result.request_id = 46123
Result.retcode_external = 0

It is clear why in the Request timeout situation the order number is not zero - for OnTradeTransaction. But why is it not in the order history?

The brakes are observed on forex symbols as well.
What's wrong with simulating real trading?
And what is not satisfied with the simulation of real trading?

There is no artificial modelling! There is the fact of MT5 braking, which casts a shadow over the HFT capabilities voiced by the developers in the articles.

Previously, the developers blamed third parties when they were shown slows on FORTS. Now we can reject third-party reasons for sure - Metaquotes-Demo slows down.


It is clear why in the Request timeout situation the order number is not zero - for OnTradeTransaction. But why is it not in the order history?

It should be in the Trade if the status/condition does not allow to place it in the History


which casts a shadow over the HFT capabilities voiced by the developers in the articles.

these features consist only of asynchronous OrderSend