1200 subscribers!!! - page 3

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

There are three services on the resource and three different approaches to rating and displaying the true state of affairs:

-- Freelance -- here the number of jobs done -- and inside the application also writing articles and publishing codes in the codebase

In Freelance -- you get two-level rating -- the outer contour (general top) quantity and the inner contour (application) quality

-- Market -- not everything is clear here, because almost all statistics are hidden

-- Signals -- signal statistics are almost complete here -- only it's not clear why "subscriptions" aren't hidden in the manner of Market

It's obvious that subscriptions create a "crowd effect" -- just like sales would create a "crowd effect" in Market.

Why are sales not published in Market, but in Signals they are.

Moreover - if you have to look for quality indicators for Freelance and Market, and you have to twist to form a quality rating.

There are so many qualitative indicators in Signals, that it is not clear why they should be taken into account in rating and even to show the index of "subscription".

I.e. the effect of this very crowd gradually negates the effect of indicators.

What's the use of the rating?

The filter for the right indicators to help

Fine, let them use filters. In the primary rating signals should be taken into account as if they have no subscribers, or even understated in the rating because of the large number of subscribers

Are you out of business or what? started counting other people's money.

Is it allowed on the forum to discuss the signal for sale?

Marat Khabiev:
All right, let them use filters. The signals should be considered in the primary rating as if they have no subscribers, or even under-rated because of the large number of subscribers.
Millions of flies can't be wrong.
Ivan Butko:
The effect of this very crowd gradually negates the effect of indicators
Right, 10 trades a month and 0.01% of profitability will not affect the downgrade, because the number of subscribers and regular new ones will keep the signal in the top.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Are you out of business or what? started counting other people's money.

Is it possible to discuss the signal for sale on the forum?

Petros, so we don't talk about what signal we are talking about and we just talk about the signal: "all coincidences with real people or events are accidental".

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Are you out of business or what? started counting other people's money.

Is it possible to discuss the signal being sold on the forum?

This is about the service itself, we want it to be better.

Yes, of course, as if it's not clear who we're talking about. :)

And if you wanted to improve something, then suggest that the signals showed: which deal was made by hand and which with a robot.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Which deal was made by hand and which one by a robot.

That's what I'm all for
Vladimir Gribachev:
that's what I'm all for
I looked at the rating - it seems that you should not care)