Why did you post your MT4 question in the MT5 General section instead of the MQL4 section, (bottom of the Root page)?
General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum?
Next time, post in the correct place. The moderators will likely move this thread there soon. -
Don't double post! You already had this thread open.
General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum (2017) -
Please edit your (original) post and use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.)
General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum (2019)
Messages Editor -
openOrderID = OrderSend(NULL,OP_SELL,lotSize,Ask,10,stopLossPrice,takeProfitPrice,NULL,magicNB);
Be careful with NULL.
- On MT4, you can use NULL in place of _Symbol only in those calls that the documentation specially says you can. iHigh does, iCustom does, MarketInfo does not, OrderSend does not.
- Don't use NULL (except for pointers where you explicitly check for it.) Use _Symbol and _Period, that is minimalist as possible and more efficient.
- Zero is the same as PERIOD_CURRENT which means _Period. Don't hard code numbers.
- MT4: No need for a function call with iHigh(NULL,0,s) just use the predefined arrays, i.e. High[].
- Cloud Protector Bug? - MQL4 programming forum (2020.07.25)
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So every time i try to backtest my code error 138 comes up and no trades are placed, no matter how low the timeframe. Would appreciate any feedback.
#property version "1.00"
#property strict
#property show_inputs
#include <customfunctions01.mqh>
int rsiPeriod = 7;
input double riskPerTrade = 0.01;
input int rsiLowerLevel = 20;
input int rsiUpperLevel = 80;
input int stoplosspips = 100;
input int takeprofitpips = 500;
input int breakeven = 40;
input int SlowMA = 200;
input int FastMA = 50;
input int StoUpperlevel = 80;
input int StoLowerLevel = 20;
input int ticket = 0;
int openOrderID;
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
Alert("Starting Strategy johnstrategy");
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
Alert("Stopping johnstrategy");
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
double FastMA = iMA(NULL,0,50,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double SlowMA= iMA(NULL,0,200,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
double rsiValue = iRSI(NULL,0,rsiPeriod,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double currentRSI = iRSI(NULL,0,7,0,0);
double previousRSI = iRSI(NULL,0,7,0,5);
double Stovalue = iStochastic(NULL, 0, 14 , 3, 3, MODE_SMA, MODE_MAIN, 0, 0);
double currentStovalue = iStochastic(NULL, 0, 14 , 3, 3, MODE_SMA, MODE_MAIN, 0, 0);
double previousStovalue = iStochastic (NULL, 0, 14 , 3, 3, MODE_SMA, MODE_MAIN, 0, 1);
double MACD = iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0);
//if(!checkifopenordersbymagicnb(magicNB))&&//if no open orders try to enter new position
if (isnewcandle())
if (rsiValue<20 && FastMA>SlowMA&& currentStovalue< 20 && Bid<SlowMA) //buying
Print("MA's show a bullish market and rsiValue is lower than " + rsiLowerLevel+ " , Sending buy order");
double stopLossPrice = Bid - stoplosspips * getpipvalue();
double takeProfitPrice = Bid + takeprofitpips * getpipvalue();
Print("Entry Price = " + Bid);
Print("Stop Loss Price = " + stopLossPrice);
Print("Take Profit Price = " + takeProfitPrice);
double lotSize = optimallotsize(riskPerTrade,Bid,stopLossPrice);
openOrderID = OrderSend(NULL,OP_BUY,lotSize,Bid,10,stopLossPrice,takeProfitPrice,NULL,magicNB);
if(openOrderID < 0) Alert("order rejected. Order error: " + GetLastError());
else if(rsiValue > 80 && SlowMA>FastMA&& currentStovalue>80 && Ask>SlowMA )//shorting
Print("MA's show a bearish market and rsiValue is above " + rsiUpperLevel+ " , Sending short order");
double stopLossPrice = Ask + stoplosspips * getpipvalue();
double takeProfitPrice = Ask - takeprofitpips * getpipvalue();
Print("Entry Price = " + Ask);
Print("Stop Loss Price = " + stopLossPrice);
Print("Take Profit Price = " + takeProfitPrice);
double lotSize = optimallotsize(riskPerTrade,Ask,stopLossPrice);
openOrderID = OrderSend(NULL,OP_SELL,lotSize,Ask,10,stopLossPrice,takeProfitPrice,NULL,magicNB);
if(openOrderID < 0) Alert("order rejected. Order error: " + GetLastError());