How to Subscribe to a MT5 Signal - page 3


Yes, always with username and never with email.

What else can I try?

I've logged into the account on the broker's terminal and MT5's & stop/start VPS & migrated settings on both terminals.

(thanks for your quick reply!)

What do you mean both terminals?

You can't 1 signal subscription in 2 MT5 terminals.

Post some screenshot of your problem please.

Eleni Anna Branou:

What do you mean both terminals?

You can't 1 signal subscription in 2 MT5 terminals.

Post some screenshot of your problem please.

ICMarkets have a terminal; MT5 has a terminal. I can log into the my account on either (but I don't log into both at the same time)

They both show the same status - old signal is unsubscribed, new signal sub doesn't show

I only have one signal sub.

JOurnal: 2020.08.26 17:36:06.310 Signal 'xxxx45': subscription not found

JOurnal: 2020.08.26 17:36:06.310 Signal 'xxxx45': subscription not found

Are you sure you have an active signal subscription here?

If yes and you are making all the steps mentioned in the first post of this topic and doesn't work, contact the Service Desk.

I would like to see your Community tab and your Signals settings on a screenshot though.

screenshot - top right, sub confirmation


I've done this before and it worked perfectly...
I've done this before and it worked perfectly...

Signal subscription is per trading account.
So, check your Metatrader - the Metatrader should be connected with the trading account which you are using for subscription.

screenshot - top right, sub confirmation

You have a: 'financial operations are limited' message on your account, probably that is the reason of your issue, contact the Service Desk.

I also said I want to see your subscriptions page here:

The message that you've subscribed succesfully doesn't mean that you have an active subscription right now!

the issue was there before the Finace block was raised