Still Waiting to have seller confirmation



I am still waiting to have my profile confirmation as a seller in order to work as a freelancer.
Support asked me an additional picture to complete my profile which I sent.
However I am still waiting.  

I tried to contact the Service Desk but for this kind of case. When I try to send a message, they gently replied automatic:


Dear user,

Thank you for submitting your request. However, please note that we accept only payment related issues via Service Desk. For any technical questions and suggestions, please use the forum.

MQL5 Support


Please help I am waiting to work as a Freelancer since weeks now...

Thank you

Nicolas Peteuil:


I am still waiting to have my profile confirmation as a seller in order to work as a freelancer.
Support an additional picture to complete my profile which I sent.
However I am still waiting.  

I tried to contact the Service Desk but for this kind of case. When I try to send a message, they gently replied automatic:


Dear user,

Thank you for submitting your request. However, please note that we accept only payment related issues via Service Desk. For any technical questions and suggestions, please use the forum.

MQL5 Support


Please help I am waiting to work as a Freelancer since weeks now...

Thank you

How to help?
We (moderators) are not admins.

I am not sure but you can check: the registration as a seller/developer in Freelance was automated?
because I am reading this post from MQ - the post, and it was stated that it was already automated (means: you can register by yourself), or it will be automated soon.


Hello Sergey thank you for your quick answer,

I am actually looking for way to contact the Support team or an Admin.

I am not sure but you can check: the registration as a seller/developer in Freelance was automated?
because I am reading this post from MQ - the post, and it was stated that it was already automated (means: you can register by yourself), or it will be automated soon.

It was not automated as the Support team contacted me in the Comments page of the Seller section.

After having sent the new required documents they asked me for another picture:

I have then attached "a new selfie with document" in the Comments page because I cannot upload others document on the seller page.

Because the Service Desk do not handle requests linked to the Seller Registration anymore I cannot ask the Support team to check the requested document in the Comments page and validate my profile.
If registration is now automated (or if MQ is migrating Supports) I am afraid that my registration will be stuck forever with no way to contact the Support team for help.


I am not a seller (and I am not moderating any services incl Freelance) so I can not check anything.

If it is be automated so you can start validation once again in very easy way without any moderator and admin - 

Forum on trading, automatic trading systems and testing of trading strategies

What happens with the moderation of new products in the Market?

Renat Fatkhullin , 2018.08.16 14:27

Every day we release automation of various functions of the site. Today there will be an update on receiving the products of the market.

We can not predict the time, but this work for us now has a top priority. The process goes step by step, in small portions at a time.

Wait a few days, everything will be radically simplified. 


"If it is be automated so you can start validation once again in very easy way without any moderator and admin"

No I cannot as I said in my previous comment with attached pictures, I am totally stuck:

So, just wait when more information will ve available.
Because as I was reading from the posts made by MQ - they are implementing this automatization step by step in very quick way ... I hope - for few days ...
Nicolas Peteuil:


I am still waiting to have my profile confirmation as a seller in order to work as a freelancer.
Support an additional picture to complete my profile which I sent.
However I am still waiting.  

I tried to contact the Service Desk but for this kind of case. When I try to send a message, they gently replied automatic:


Dear user,

Thank you for submitting your request. However, please note that we accept only payment related issues via Service Desk. For any technical questions and suggestions, please use the forum.

MQL5 Support


Please help I am waiting to work as a Freelancer since weeks now...

Thank you

when Your application rejected by the moderator you must wait to apply again in 2 month.


Alright I will wait and see, but this a real pain...

Thank you @Sergey Golubev.

@Ali Sabbaghi : Thanks for the information but it does apply in my case, because they contacted me and asked to send new document.

"Hello, we need you to take an additional picture to confirm registration. Please send this in two months." Sounds quite ridiculous.

I need to work as soon as possible, I cannot waste time.

Nicolas Peteuil:

I need to work as soon as possible, I cannot waste time.

If you rely solely on this, then i am afraid that you are doing something wrong.

And that many problems will follow.

Nicolas Peteuil:

Alright I will wait and see, but this a real pain...

Thank you @Sergey Golubev.

@Ali Sabbaghi : Thanks for the information but it does apply in my case, because they contacted me and asked to send new document.

"Hello, we need you to take an additional picture to confirm registration. Please send this in two months." Sounds quite ridiculous.

I need to work as soon as possible, I cannot waste time.

I also went through this route and got the same answer...

i sent that pictures and at the end sed me my aplication rejected...

I`m in waiting too to aplying form two month later.


Forum on trading, automatic trading systems and testing of trading strategies

The "Service Desk" section disappeared

Renat Fatkhullin, 2018.08.15 13:56

That's just because of the number of people who suddenly felt that these are employees of our company should spend their time on questions about everything, we closed the public servicedesk. Servicedesk has turned into a complete madness on a world scale. Do not forget that we serve the whole world, not just the Russian-speaking part.

On this site a huge amount of information available for search. We have done our work, and in 7 languages. Now it's up to everyone to spend their time looking for answers on their questions.

Technical issues should be addressed at a public forum, so that each decision has a leverage effect. Working with technical questions with a 1: 1 leverage in a closed service desk is economically unprofitable for any company that has a scale effect (100-1000 customers is not scale).

Now we radically change the maintenance processes on the site and automate everything that is possible.

Unfortunately, for a while some of the old processes, previously provided manually, were stalled.

What we automate and rework:

  1. Registration of sellers
  2. Publication of products, including updates. Automatic updates are already allowed.
  3. Publications in the Code
  4. Arbitration in freelancing
  5. We improve the processes on the whole front and make them more understandable

To the critics:

  • in order to understand reality, one must be able to stand on the position of each side (2-3 sides at least), rather than cementing oneself on one's personal position
  • modes "I should," "someone else must do something there," "this should work like this" is usually mistaken if you look at the reality from the top
  • It is always necessary to take into account the economics of processes and economies of scale
  • the distribution of goods free of charge can not last forever. In the IT sphere a free-of-charge feast was created, which led to a mistake of perception of the whole generation "in the sphere of XXX everything should be free"
  • listen to explanations - they are correct and reasonable
  • We have statistics on our hands and a lot of experience - we know what we are doing
  • we are doing fine, thank you