Something Interesting in Financial Video - page 22


Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
7. Two Minute Papers

Two Minute Papers is an awesome channel for anyone who loves to be updated with the latest research going on in the Machine Learning domain.
Two Minute Papers make 2 minutes (almost) long videos explaining.


Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
8. Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman Podcast is one of the most popular and best machine learning YouTube channels. Its host is an AI researcher working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and machine learning at MIT and beyond.  Lex talks with his guests on everything related to AI and ML. But he’s not limiting himself only to this theme. He talks about other things that can inspire, teach, and push you to exceed your limitations.

Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
9. Kaggle

Kaggle channel is a spot on YouTube where you can dive into the world of Kaggle community, learn, and do your data science work. The channel offers videos with interviews with data scientists, lessons, and insightful tips. This is one of the best machine learning YouTube channels for everyone who wants to learn tricks, experiment, and implement new practices into their own work, no matter what environment you work in.


Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
10. Arxiv Insights

Arxiv Insights is a channel owned by Xander Steenbrugge. He summarizes his core takeaways from a technical point of view while making them accessible for a bigger audience. If you love technical breakdowns on ML and AI but want a nice summary of the difficult and technical topics, that’s the right place for you!


Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
11. DeepLearning.TV

DeepLearning.TV is all about Deep Learning. The channel features topics such as How To’s, reviews of software libraries and applications, and interviews with key individuals in the field.

Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
12. Springboard

Springboard channel is all about data science. There are data science and machine learning talks with experts from the leading companies, Women in Data Science playlist with interesting conversations with women who work in ML, deep dives, or mini lessons.

Best YouTube Machine Learning Channels -
13. The TWIML AI Podcast with Sam Charrington

If you’re looking for the latest news from the world of machine learning, make sure to check out the TWIML (This Week in Machine Learning) Podcast YouTube channel. Here, you’ll find each week’s most interesting and important stories from the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Exploring Large Language Models with ChatGPT - 603
Exploring Large Language Models with ChatGPT - 603
  • 2022.12.08
Is OpenAI's ChatGPT capable of having a coherent conversation? We find out in this special edition of the TWIML AI Podcast! In this episode of the podcast, w...

I Built a Trading Bot with ChatGPT


We are having the following in documentation for now: ONNX models in machine learning
So, please find very short (1 minute) video about the following:

What is ONNX?

Documentation on MQL5: ONNX models
Documentation on MQL5: ONNX models
ONNX models - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

ONNX – open format for machine learning models

ONNX is a new standard for exchanging deep learning models. ​ It is an intermediary machine learning framework used to convert between different machine learning frameworks.

Some more about ONNX ( ONNX models in machine learning ) :

  • Part #1. How to test ONNX models: post  
  • Part #2. More details on how to install and convert: post
  • Part #3. Python scripts can be run directly in the terminal: post  

Documentation on MQL5: ONNX models
Documentation on MQL5: ONNX models
ONNX models - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5