NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 8


I had a great day trading today. I was able to make 3.4% profit, taking my account to $80.67.

I'm currently sitting on the sidelines and waiting for the Europe open to begin trading again.

I hope everybody was able to make a profit today and I will chat later.


I had another successful day trading today. I was able to make 3.47% taking my trading account from $80.67 to $83.47.

I'm not sitting on the sidelines and will begin trading again tonight when the Europe session begins.

Since I'm just getting back into trading, I'm taking it very slow. Trying to really work on the things that have always haunted me in the past.


Today was another successful trading day for me. I was abe to make 3.22% profit and take my trading account to $86.16.

I started trading this week on Tuesday and thus far I have gained 10.11% to my trading account. It feels good to be back into trading and heading in the right direction.

I just keep taking it one day at a time and one trade at a time.


My first week of trading during the new year has been a great success. I did not have any losing days this week. Notice that I said "days" and not trades. We are going to have losing trades and also losing days but I don't let the individual trades bother me much.

I try to end the day on the positive side. I'm going to stay focused and continue to work towards my goals and focus on staying disciplined.

Today I made 3.67% profit on my trading account today. That takes my 4 day week total to a gain of 13.78% profit. My account balance is currently at $89.32.

I'm done trading for the week and will begin trading next week during the Europe session on Sunday night.

Have a great week and make sure to spend time with your loved ones.


Keep it up bro, You are gaining a good experience in trading


Thanks very much my friend. I appreciate the support. You are so correct with what you said. I'm gaining experience by going through all that I have in my trading career.

That's why I chose the username that I did...I will NeverQuit! I can't it's not in my DNA. I know that I can have the life that I want from trading forex. Nobody can make me believe any different. I just have to stay the course and my dreams will come to reality.

I relate it to when I first tried to teach my son his ABC's. When we first started he could barely get up to D and anything after that was just guessing. We stayed the course and worked on it everyday. As time went by, he kept trying and was able to get higher and higher before he would mess up. Before I knew it, he was saying his ABC's to me and even doing a litte dance at the same time!

So I look at how he stayed the course and didn't give up and it motivated me. My son is four years old now and in Pre-School and each day he comes home and has learned something new. I pay attention to that very much. I see him trying so hard to learn and he loves school so much and I apply that to my trading. How can I complain and give up when my son, who is learning so much right now is doing his best and enjoying the journey.

So my advice to all is embrace the experience, success, failures and all that forex has to offer. Be thankful that we get the chance to wake up and trade another day. No matter what the situation may be, you have the ability to change your situation. Never forget that and always remember to NeverQuit and the world is yours!

Keep it up bro, You are gaining a good experience in trading
Hello RyanMatthews, Thanks fo stopping by this journal also. This is the journal I will be focusing on for the foreseeable future. I took the holiday season off so I'm just getting back into my trading. One thing about me is, I'm a straight shooter. No need to lie or stretch the truth. I am honest about my account size and everything. I figure so many people lie to make things seem better than they are but I'm not that type of person. I just tell the truth and try to help othes just like people have helped me. I know I will succeed in this business and if I can help someone else reach their goals just like others helped me, then I will gladly do it. Visit as often as you can and I will gladly help you.

I can respect that quality of you quite a bit; and if the overall atmosphere of FOREX trading consisted of people with your mindset and personality, I'd probably be more eager to pick up trading!


First off let me say I appreciate the kind words that you have said about me. I truly am thankful for that. I just try to be the best person I can and the type of man that my mother can be proud of.

As for your remarks about trading, I understand them completely. I wish the environment was better also. The fact we must face is that, that is just not the case in most situations.

My advice for you is to just block out the negative people and negative circumstances. Always keep your eye on what you want to do. Your goal is to be financially independent and provide for your family. So let that be your voice within that never lets you give up. As long as you have that, you will do just fine.

I never have to deal with the negative people or situations in know why...because I don't associate with them. I want positive things in my life so I surround myself with people who are likeminded. I will admit that I have had friends who I grew up with that I had to distance myself from because they were not doing positive things and their negativity was affecting me. I've even had to distance myself from family members who are very negative and I will admit, it was a tough decision. At the end of the day, I have to look in the eyes of my 3 kids and their mother and ask myself and I living right by them. My answer is yes.

You have to do the same. Look at those who you are providing for and ask yourself, should they have to suffer and not live the life tha you can provide for them through forex just because the majority of the forex world is filled with negativity and corruption? Really think if that is fair to them. There is more than enough people who are positive that you can surround yourself with who would gladly help you along your journey. Just know that if you decide to make a list of those who are willing to help you as much as they can that you put my name on that list!

I can respect that quality of you quite a bit; and if the overall atmosphere of FOREX trading consisted of people with your mindset and personality, I'd probably be more eager to pick up trading!
First off let me say I appreciate the kind words that you have said about me. I truly am thankful for that. I just try to be the best person I can and the type of man that my mother can be proud of. As for your remarks about trading, I understand them completely. I wish the environment was better also. The fact we must face is that, that is just not the case in most situations. My advice for you is to just block out the negative people and negative circumstances. Always keep your eye on what you want to do. Your goal is to be financially independent and provide for your family. So let that be your voice within that never lets you give up. As long as you have that, you will do just fine. I never have to deal with the negative people or situations in know why...because I don't associate with them. I want positive things in my life so I surround myself with people who are likeminded. I will admit that I have had friends who I grew up with that I had to distance myself from because they were not doing positive things and their negativity was affecting me. I've even had to distance myself from family members who are very negative and I will admit, it was a tough decision. At the end of the day, I have to look in the eyes of my 3 kids and their mother and ask myself and I living right by them. My answer is yes. You have to do the same. Look at those who you are providing for and ask yourself, should they have to suffer and not live the life tha you can provide for them through forex just because the majority of the forex world is filled with negativity and corruption? Really think if that is fair to them. There is more than enough people who are positive that you can surround yourself with who would gladly help you along your journey. Just know that if you decide to make a list of those who are willing to help you as much as they can that you put my name on that list!

Wise words, you kind of almost sound like my Dad, haha. (No offense intended, I'm sure you're not that old! )

I do carry a lot of the same values as you do, as far as the family goes, but I've never ever considered money as a vehicle to happiness. Money has created more heartache for me than happiness, and more money wouldn't really solve the problem for me. I'm very happy with my wife and son, and I do provide. My Dad always made sure I had clothes on, a roof over my head and a meal on the table, and I'll be damned if my family doesn't have the same.

You make good points about the negativity of others, and to just simply not associate with them. It's really not an excuse for me not to trade.

I guess it just boils down to me not being able to justify to myself the idea of losing money in this fashion... guess I'm not elite enough to hit the market.


First off, no offense taken. I'm 29 years old but just a old soul. Also I want to say that if my post came across as you not providing for your family, then I want to say sorry for that. I was just trying to get you to get over that hump and give trading a shot.

Yes, just the those who are negative be negative in their own world and not in yours. Trust me, it took me years to get to the point that I'm at but once I got there I have not looked back since.

I suggest that you open an account with a broker who lets you trade at 1 cent per pip. I trade live with Oanda and I can make a deposit of $1 and trade at 1 penny per pip. The reason I say this is because I don't believe in demo trading but that's another topic of discussion.

Just put a very small amount of money into your trading account and just trade. Get the feel for the market, your platform, your reaction to things and such. Do that for one month. If you feel that you can be elite enough to trade, deposit a few more bucks if you can.

If you had an amount of money set aside to trade with, don't deposit it all at once. Slowly make deposits until you have deposited all of your funds. That way you will have be gaining valuabe experience and by the time you made your last deposit, you should have a better feel for things.

I'm not big on reading trading books or anything like that. I've never even read one before. There is a book however that I suggest you read. It is a novel and has nothing to do with trading but it's the best book I've read because of what affect it had on me. The name of the book is The Alchemist. The author is Paulo Coelho.

Trust me, this read is well worth it. It will make you think about things in a different way and open your eyes to certain things you may not be really thinking about.

Even if you decide to not trade, still stay in touch and chat. I enjoy speaking with you and seeing things from other points of view.

Wise words, you kind of almost sound like my Dad, haha. (No offense intended, I'm sure you're not that old! ) I do carry a lot of the same values as you do, as far as the family goes, but I've never ever considered money as a vehicle to happiness. Money has created more heartache for me than happiness, and more money wouldn't really solve the problem for me. I'm very happy with my wife and son, and I do provide. My Dad always made sure I had clothes on, a roof over my head and a meal on the table, and I'll be damned if my family doesn't have the same. You make good points about the negativity of others, and to just simply not associate with them. It's really not an excuse for me not to trade. I guess it just boils down to me not being able to justify to myself the idea of losing money in this fashion... guess I'm not elite enough to hit the market.