NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 13


Here is a screenshot of a trade I just took on E/U.

I also opened a new short on U/C at 0.9147. I did not get a screenshot of this but you will see it at the end of the day when I post my trading account statement.

This journal is fully transparent. You will see everything as I will not hide anything...the good...the bad...the ugly will all be displayed.

The two trades I just took are both looking a bit weak right now.

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All of my trades have been closed and I'm currently up 1.28% for the day. My positions that I just entered recently were stopped out for losses.

I'm not waiting for a better signal.


Took more losses on the surge in price during news time (hint to never trade during the news time) and now I'm down -2.98% for the day.

My account is currently at $77.86.


I had a very nice friend of mine (who is a trader also) send me quite a few emails outlining so much for me. He was kind enough to share with me something he did in the past and told me to give it a shot.

I put his recommendations into motion tonight and I was able to take my trading account from $75.76 to $80.24 as of right now.

I've also added a few things to his recommendation to help me stay inline until I'm more proven with my trading.

If all goes well by the end of the month, I will post the indicators and rules that I have created for anybody who is interested.


My short from 3155 hit it's take profit at 3090 taking my account from $77.12 to $86.79 an increase of 12.54% on my account.

I will not be taking any more trades today. I wish you are profitable trading. I will be back online during the Asia session to see if something sets up.


I'm really focusing on my trading so I can become the trader that I want to be. After doing some thinking I have determined that I'm making posting in my journal much more difficult that it should be.

I've been trying to do much more than I should be. So from this point forward I will not worry about sharing indicators, outlining how I trade or any of that type of stuff.

I will just post the trades I take with enough information that if others want to check their charts, they will be able to see where I entered the trade at.

I will post just one post each day. Multiple post in a day was becoming a bit much, hence why I would forget to post on some days.

I will now post one screenshot of my account activity at the end of my trading day. To make it easier for me and those who are following along, I will post around noon PST each day (unless I'm away from my computer). The screenshot will show everything (except for the ticket number).

That's how I will be posting from this point forward.


Here is how my post will look each day. This is a screenshot from my trading activity yesterday.

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Here is my trading screenshot for today. I was able to be patient and wait for the market to come to me rather than chase it and that patience paid off for me.

It feels good to see the hard work that I'm putting into my trading pay off. I know I have had a bumpy road in the past but the past two days I have really been focusing on trading properly and it feels good to see positive results from it.

My confidence in my ability to trade and one day take care of my family through my trading ability is starting to comeback and grow with each trade I take (even the losing trades that will be in the future because I still learn from them also).

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I was wondering what happened to you. Yes, we all must strike while the iron is hot.I'm just trying to see my dreams become a reality. Like I said, I'm no longer concerned with the amount that I make. I know that if I trade correctly, the money will come. So I strive to trade correctly and let everything else fall into place as it may.

Hey there, I'm back!

You not being overly concerned is probably why you're doing just fine. I read through the pages and caught up with what's happening and see you're still at it. Looks like I forgot to hit the quote button for your other post, so I'll just submit this one and reply on that one.... having a moment of laziness.


Excellent words of wisdom, and I find myself saying it to my Wife and myself quite often, actually, because he is already very big. He was born in November, and we had family members gifting us clothes all the way into the 6-9 month range, and I remember thinking, "Well, this is ridiculous, it'll be forever before he can even think about wearing it!" Well, as luck would have it, my kid is a big one, already over 25 inches and 16 pounds just after 3 months, so we're already dipping into the big clothes. We have pictures of me holding him when he came from the hospital, and I could literally fit him in my palm like a catcher's mitt, now I can't even get my hand across the back of his shoulders....and he's heavy.

I understand you perfectly clear, and I do take time to do the small things for him that I appreciated my Dad doing for me. My Wife actually breastfeeds and stuff right now, so the only time we share the feeding duty is if she needs to leave somewhere for an extended period of time, but I do enjoy feeding him when I get the chance.

He's already thrown up all over me, his new clothes and my freshly washed clothes, but I actually ended up laughing because after he did it, he looked at me kind of like, "", you know, like the e-Trade baby in the commercial. As if to say, "Yeah, I have no, yeah, sorry about that."

We've already been frustrated and stressed and have no sleep, but you know, it's weird, you sort of "get used to it", and all that stuff seems to blend together. My Wife has already asked me about certain times my son cried or what-not, and I honestly don't remember, because it's just him being a baby. But I do remember the first time he recognized me, and then a big goober-gummy-smile came on his face and he said "Aaaaagggooooooo!!!!!!!!!". Tearing up just typing it.

Plus, there is that manly feeling of knowing that the loins are in perfect working condition... LOL.

That my friend is just the beginning of it. Once he is able to get a few feet on his own that's when the real fun begins. It goes from just walking to getting into everything much quicker because he will be able to get around much quicker.I remember when my son was still a baby and it was so fun. To this day one of my more favorite memories is when he first learned to go up and down the steps and he would crawl up the steps. The best part was he would not go down them the correct way. He would get to the top of the steps, get on his belly and slide down the steps backwards. Even to this day, seeing him do that, especially as he got older and he would slide down backwards faster and faster is still one of my favorite things to think back on.I will give you some advice that was given to me by my sons godfather on the day my son was born. If you don't listen to anything I say, listen to this. Cherish every moment, every single second. There will be days when the lack of sleep sees to be killing you. The frustration of feeling like you are not doing enough or you can't handle any more. The tension that it may bring into your relationship with your wife. No matter what the situation, cherish every single second because you never get that time back. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, having a baby is the most enjoying thing in the world but it also comes with it's share of agony at times.Do everything you can with him and for him because there will come a day when he no longer needs you to hold his bottle or change his diaper or feed him. As crazy as it may sound right now, when those days come, you will miss them very much. You will miss him being dependent on you. Even if it means you free up time for other things, you still will miss him needing you for everything. So my advice to you is, cherish all of it...the good and the bad. Cherish the times he fills his diaper up and it creeps up his back and you have to give him a bath just a few minutes after you already gave him one...nasty but it's the truth.Cherish the days when you and your wife are heading to take him to the zoo for the first time and you are already running late and as soon as you strap him in his car seat, he throws up all over his new clothes and you as well...making you even more late because now you both have to get cleaned up. Cherish it all because those memories are going to be the only thing you have to hold onto when he is 4 like my son and wants no help for anything.I know this maybe my trading journal but I love my family just like you love yours so I enjoy having conversations about family.