news trading


hi to everyone

hey guys and girls off-course, can someone tell me of a programable way to straddle the news. i mean a way to place two trades a buy and a sell distant a fixed distance from the price untill the news release second and if one trade is trickered the other is cancelled

hi to everyone hey guys and girls off-course, can someone tell me of a programable way to straddle the news. i mean a way to place two trades a buy and a sell distant a fixed distance from the price untill the news release second and if one trade is trickered the other is cancelled

Many EAs was coded this way. You would find one here I think. You can use the search feature ...



At the meeting in London yesterday afternoon the councils tried to persuade the government to guarantee their savings, in the same way that ministers had guaranteed the savings for individual investors in Landsbanki. But Healey refused to give any such commitment after the meeting. Instead he said the government "will not leave councils under pressure on their own". He conceded that the councils had not acted recklessly, and had been following Whitehall advice sent out in 2004 to spread their investments across a wide range of banks.


I think lungs of money do not happen. Search and will find.


once you get in the market and keep informed about news affecting it, you’ll realize how next events will determine the market ways. Then, your decisions may depend of this news and you’ll have more chances making profits. Adrian


This is an example of how you can use news for trading.

Unemployment Claims Strategy MT4 Experts Advisor’s Blog


HEY!!! This is a very good example to understand how to manage the news, I´ve never tried with the fundamental analysis but this is a got way to start. Thanks amazing info.


I know!!! This is a great post! I saw your blog before and I think that great. But that´s one example of how to trade on news, but sometimes news are totally different to that indicator. I don’t like to do it, but sometimes is very difficult, the market can move so much.


Hey investfx the blog is great! I like your posts I hope you can write about it. It´s a good way to trade news. I hope someday I can do like that.


To trade news you need careful, nothing else I don’t like to much, because the advice is try to hold some minutes before to get in the market, you most of times don’t know how the market`s behavior is going to be.


Trading with the news is more like gambling and you shouldn't go for it blindly..

What do you people think??