Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 263

For me there is also a problem when they change behaviour of a command without leaving a word. If I lost several hours and finally located the problem and asked them "why?", they always responded "it had no sense so we silently removed it". One of their improvements, computing size of a struct from its declaration (ignoring any inheritance), prevents me using their file commands. After the silent improvement of the SetSymbolPeriod() there is no way left how to force indicators reset on the offline chart.

So now the offline charts are getting ignored?


They want kill MT4 features for force use MT5. Not surprise they limit offline charts. You said right. First was file api ( they said me because don't want scam tricks in experts in his market). Next step is remove offline charts like MT5. They said want one platform. They choose what they want.

Global variables is a crap too. Only double type. For send simple DWORD you have split in 2 variables. Finally you have use file memory mapping or similar for pass data to indicators or experts...

PS: The best and clean way for reset indicators in offline charts is modify it for read external command ( global variable ) for know when you need refresh indicator. That means you have implement new code for indicator reset buffers in a bars range and one expert for control all charts sending right command. Very complicate. Easy way is they create API. But only API they created this 2015 was signals API

So now the offline charts are getting ignored?

I do not think so, they rather seem they have not a clear idea what their language and platform can do. When I talk to them, they respond like the indicator can do nothing but drawing a line with a help of a buffer.

On the other hand, I do not believe they want to merge the MT4 into MT5 any longer. If they wanted to unify the platforms (makes sense - less maintenance), they failed, the platforms have not been converging for at least a year. I would really like to know their goals, supposing they do know them at all.

They want kill MT4 features for force use MT5. Not surprise they limit offline charts. You said right. First was file api ( they said me because don't want scam tricks in experts in his market). Next step is remove offline charts like MT5. They said want one platform. They choose what they want.

Global variables is a crap too. Only double type. For send simple DWORD you have split in 2 variables. Finally you have use file memory mapping or similar for pass data to indicators or experts...

PS: The best and clean way for reset indicators in offline charts is modify it for read external command ( global variable ) for know when you need refresh indicator. That means you have implement new code for indicator reset buffers in a bars range and one expert for control all charts sending right command. Very complicate. Easy way is they create API. But only API they created this 2015 was signals API

Well, I used to implement the chart reset as part of the logic long time ago. Yes, there could be a way to recode every indicator which relied on it, but it costs effort and the problem can reappear any time with some other feature. They should NOT change implementation until it is marked a bug, and if they do, they should announce it.


I do not think so, they rather seem they have not a clear idea what their language and platform can do. When I talk to them, they respond like the indicator can do nothing but drawing a line with a help of a buffer.

On the other hand, I do not believe they want to merge the MT4 into MT5 any longer. If they wanted to unify the platforms (makes sense - less maintenance), they failed, the platforms have not been converging for at least a year. I would really like to know their goals, supposing they do know them at all.

I think that right now all is turning to web platform


I sent this trying this MT guy understand something easy...

If you see "Fine" example, code is same and compile fine. The code is in "core/array/Array.mqh". Same code, different behaviour.

But i understand your point of view. Its true compiler thinks that. But compiler is wrong. And now i want you try understand my point of view.

If you see bug example, you will see "remove2" method is only executed in Object * template. This problem is because compiler check type for all methods, even if you never call that methodin all cases ( I only call in Objects, not in primitives ). In "fine" example, compiler runs as is desirable, but runs because compiler dont apply it rules always ( bug applying rules )

I'm trying explain in other bug report because this compiler problem is a headache. But even with this example ( more clear than i sent you in other report ), you dont see the problem. The problem is you cant use same template class if you have call methods of objects inside class. And that means templates classes are incomplete because i have split classes ( for primitives and for objects )

Conclusion is you have compiler applying 2 differents rules in same code. In your point of view, "Fine" example dont must compile for explanation you sent me. That way for you is fine, but limit template clases. If you remove compiler check like "Fine" example compiler bug, you have flexible and powerful template classes.

And this is my opinion. If templates are advanced coding, why you are worry for compiler check typical newbie errors. The truth is templates will be used for little people in MT because little people using this platform have enough knowledge of coding. Then i think is better if you accept than advanced features need flexibility for advanced coders can get all power of those features

You have last word. But please, you try think about what is more easy for you. Try fix "Fine" example compiler error or remove compiler check and you can forget the problem. Thanks for advance.

A * b = new A();; //Object::free() -> ~A()

A * b1 = new A();;//Object::free() -> ~A() -> remove2()


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It needs some more changes, but it is not as bad as some


Build 950 - speed is better than builds 920 to 940. Becoming OK

Build 950 - speed is better than builds 920 to 940. Becoming OK

That is good news. Is it safe to update mt4?