Advanced trading lessons - page 74


third period, and you been measuring and you know it still has room to move.

aim high no test of previous high!!


now as long as that real swing has its range, you always aim high in a uptrend real swing!!

rule 1 part 4


next lets go to the aim low... later i will show you how to know almost to the point real swings

are finished because we all know they do not measure exactly. close but they can very!!

but first lets go to the aim low.


now you aim low when your real swing seams weak, and the angle is not the best.

you never find that the break point has now become support in these cases !!!never ever !!! will you ever find that.

when it is weak the test is lower middle or near bottom of that range you just broke out of.

aim_low..gif  40 kb

the banks can test thees places right on the money. why because you as traders don't know once it re- enters the range

that it even will turn around!! they are always that way!! forex shows truth when a bigger deception is involved and lies

where the market has to be transparent.


banks make the market move, not people! no funds can move the market prices, matter of fact

funds are getting their tails kicked in the last few years. banks control price .. that's it period!

you think what i have shown you, maybe pretty good , but i did tell you, that these principle holds true for all time frames above the

30 minute time frames.

so you can lower your time frame and place an order away from the market, perfectly to climb aboard.

it's not just for adjusting daily weekly and monthly ranges. you can do it with the 4 hr and one. getting in early on real swings.


going closer to the right side!! here we now use rule 2 part four.


now you make think. that ok great . ok good start! but there is more.


now when a good slopes range swing is in full potential.

and all of the sudden you get bang that previous high was tested. and it held

we rejoined the trend... what the he double LL boe????? thats a clue!

when it does happen and it does.

stop first lets say this: millions of traders have great minds! every one wants to enjoy the trend right!

so do i...500 thousand of those million have the bright idea!! light bulb goes on ta ! da!! i got it.

to get aboard a up trend i will just place pending orders on lower highs and wait to be triggered!!

crap they say. i placed them and placed them over and over. yet i never go triggered?

and finally when i did , i finally got triggered, wow.. the market didn't go very far!! then it reversed on me!!

oh shit.

you sire just got into one of the truly few divergence moves, and the market reversed...

that's what i am saying, when that previous is tested and works like a charm. get ready for a mid term reversal.

so when you have your over lays you also look at physical price for this clue!

counter trend time. \ p.s. when i say prev high i mean the prev highs that was the smooth part of the real swing range!

examples coming soon.


so i did i place a pending order on all previous highs below me in a up trend.

every opportunity i could find. the result was!!! to da! two winners surprise.

8 losers, and 4 lucky to get a few pips, and 6 months taking every opportunity

every day the market moved above you far enough to place this trade strategy!

but all of them did have one thing in common, they were all short lived became ranges

where you were stopped out, or just kept cumming against you!

and the two winners those small swings were completely whipped out!

this clue! a sign!!! the only sign by the way!! there is no faster sign in forex!! period!!