Automated Trading Championship 2011 Has Started! - page 5


Automated Trading Championship 2011: MIG BANK's Special Prize

As announced earlier, in addition to the three cash prizes for the Winners of the Automated Trading Championship, MIG BANK offers an additional prize for the EA, which will have the highest rank in terms of profitability and safety. The best EA developer will get a 3 day trip to one of the Formula One races of the 2012 season!

The winner of the prize will be awarded a VIP trip to one of the races of the 2012 season and the race will be chosen by MIG BANK based on ticket availability. MIG BANK will cover all transportation and accommodation costs - airplane ticket as well as hotel room for the three days of the race. The winner will receive the Paddock Club pass for 3 race days (qualifications on Friday and Saturday and the race on Sunday).

This special prize of MIG BANK is a chance to visit one of the most spectacular and prestigious automotive events in the world.

The full text is available on the Championship website - MIG BANK's Special Prize.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


Automated Trading Championship 2011: Interview with Alexander Arashkevich (AAA777)

The Championship fervour has finally subsided and we can take a breath and start rethinking its results again. And we have another winner Alexander Arashkevich (AAA777) from Belarus, who has won a special prize from the major sponsor of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 - a 3 day trip to one of the Formula One races of the 2012 season. We could not miss the opportunity to talk with him.

How difficult is it to program a trading system?

As soon as I heard about Forex in 2007, I immediately decided to try my hand in trading. But it is necessary to test trading strategies using the tester to be sure about them. That is how I started to write Expert Advisors. It is not very difficult to program a system, especially since I have some programming experience in VBA and C++. But it is much more difficult to develop a profitable trading system.

The full text is available on the Championship website - Interview with Alexander Arashkevich (AAA777).

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Marketsand Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.


The Winners of the Automated Trading Championship 2011

The Automated Trading Championship 2011 is over, and the winners have been announced. The authors of the top three Expert Advisors of 2011 have shared the prize money and received gifts, as well as the winner of MIG Bank's special prize has been defined. The best developers of Expert Advisors have shared their impressions of the Championship.

The full text is available on the Championship website - The Winners of the Automated Trading Championship 2011.

Once again we would like to thank our Sponsors - MIG Bank, Go Markets, Vantage FX and Forex-TSD - for their help in organizing the Automated Trading Championship 2011.