GBPUSD Forecast


Hi everyone,

I would like to share with you my forecast for GBPUSD, i wish

profitable trade for all of us.

Sell GBPUSD @ 1.5661

First Target : 1.5584

Second Target : 1.5481

هذا و الله اعلى و اعلم

لا احد يعلم الغيب, فإن اصبت فهو توفيق من الله, و ان اخطأت فمن نفسي و الشيطان.

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Whats your stop on this trade?

Was there any particular reason to enter this trade?



I dont put any stoploss cuase i use just 20% of the account.

the reason to start this trade cuase the pair was in correction movement

in last days.


No stoploss - WOW.

Based on my data GBPUSD rose to 1.5814 so that makes a intra-trade drawdown of 153 pips. From your attachment you have 1 contract short, ( $10USD per pip ), thats a $1530 drawdown on a $5000 account, makes a 30% drawdown or MAE.

Also you have risked 153 pips to make 77 pips (first target) and 180 pips (second). This will make positive RR -just- if it continues down, but you had no way of knowing this when you entered the trade. If the pound rose another 40-50 pips before falling you RR would be negative.

To me it seems like a hell of alot of risk.

I hope you are on a mini account as a 3% drawdown on a trade would alot easier to handle.

Either way using 20% of equity per trade as risk means 4 losses in a row ( very common by the way ) and you'll be looking to top up your account again.

I am sure if this was a real trade and not just a demo run you would be aware of all this.

Good luck and I hope it works out for you.


p.s. I didn't write this to pick holes in your trade I mainly wanted to help other readers with money management and risk.



My friend Swagman i would like to thank you for you participation, it was useful

for me, i will consider your tips in money management in my future trades.

But i would like to tell you that i made my view in this trade based on technical analysis by me own, thank for good i achieved the targets, and i use my analysis in my real trades.

I will put my analysis in this thread when i find opportunity to take a trade, i hope it will be helpful for you and for the others in this forum.

I toke sell @ 1.5663

first target was 1.5484 = 179 pips

second target was 1.5381 = 282 pips

It means i made 2305$ profit

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I make multiple close for the positions

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I'm glad you made your target on the trade, however if you re-read your first post you will find your first exit was 1.5584 and your second was 1.5481. My calculations were correct for those figures, if you made an error with your figures that is not my fault, my friend, I can only go on what you have written.

$2305 return on a $5000 demo account is awesome, enjoy spending the demo cash.


Hi my friend,

First of all I am sorry for late responding.

and I am sorry for my fault in first post, but i wrote the targets in the first figuer.

my friend i can assure you that already enjoied spending my profit,

I do not know why talk to me like this cynical.

any way if you dont want to take my analysis its up to you, but please

be more kind.

I'm not forcing you to put any evidence, but to see these pictures.

its 114 Pips profit.

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I dont believe you have spent the $ as I dont believe you received any. Now you are not forcing me to give any evidence but I will. First, you have a 20% drawdown limit (stated post #3) but your trade went to 30% so following your own rules it should have been a loss. Next you have 2 buy limit orders to exit your trade instead of a take profit, not only do you not know how to exit a loser you have trouble exiting a winner. These are both rookie mistakes which I can accept as they are done in good faith but this next one is not.

The attachment contains the trade log from your 3 posts,

First is the open short with 2 buy limits at your exits.

Next one shows price fell and executed the 2 buy limits, so you now have 3 open trades.

The final is the account summary where your one short trade has now been split into two, with 2 different order numbers and your two buy limits just seem to have disappeared. Even when I delete a non-executed order the trade size stays there it never goes to zero.

What is going on here? your one trade has now turned into 4 and all were done at the same time.

Where did the order 6316685 come from and where did orders 6155900 and 6155905 go to ?

Do you have some relationship with this broker? because It appears the details of this trade have been changed to try and make this look like a legitimate trade. - FAILED -

So, no I will not be following your trades as I do not have the ability to change the back office results when the trade does not do what I want.

And I repeat, you have not spent the $ (demo or real) as you did not receive them did you .

I beleive honesty trumps kindness. You offer the first I will give the second.


P.S. I think you need a new friend.

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Looks like you're new to deal with MT4,

I will learn you something, its an option in the MT4everyone can use it, not just one who know the broker.

Take any position sell or buy, then hedge it by opposite position, now you will have to trades, double click on one of them, then on the close ticket click on (TYPE) you will find list select (Multiple close by), both will close in same time, one of them ZERO, the second will show the profit or loss in Both trades.

have you ever hear about this this , all that mean i don't know the broker.

You are intelligent wondrous.

Do you know me???????

Absolutely not!!!!!!!

So why you are attacking me this way, if you are an expert you can create your own thread, and you can place your analysis as you wish, and trade analysis, and make profit, i did not ask you or one of the others to take my analysis, I just put my analysis of the post only, and to improve my skills from the exchange of experiences, But the Byzantine dialogue with you will not I develop something, so as I told you earlier I am not obliged to prove something, I'm glad to meet you and your advices, Thank you for the honor you my thread, But please,be show more kindness, i will appreciate that, but if you choose to be as you are I hope that you do not enter my thread please.