Dynamic zone indicators ... - page 91


There was one issue with the dynamic zone step ma pdf alerts when the slope (trend) changed - it is solved in this version : dynamic_zone_stepma_pdf_nmc_3.2.mq4


PS: alerts on dynamic zones crosses worked correctly in the previous version too, only the slope alert had an issue


Upgraded (optimized, shorter code and options adapted to new mt4) dynamic zones rsx 3 : dz_rsx_3_oma_-_lines_1.1_mtf_nmc.mq4

Here is a version that is upgraded and alerts are added (on slope change and on each and every level cross) : dynamic_zones_pa_composite_rsi_2.mq4

Hi Mladen & Mrtools

my regards

Would you add MTF for this indicator Dynamic zones PA composite rsi 2.mq4


Talaat E

Hi Mladen & Mrtools

my regards

Would you add MTF for this indicator Dynamic zones PA composite rsi 2.mq4


Talaat E

Talaat E

OK. It will be done

Talaat E OK. It will be done

thanks your response

Hi Mladen & Mrtools

my regards

Would you add MTF for this indicator Dynamic zones PA composite rsi 2.mq4


Talaat E

Talaat E, added mtf.

Talaat E, added mtf.

Many thanks Mrtools



Dynamic zones phase accumulation composite rsi that can use 20 types of averages and 18 types of prices to calculate phase accumulation : dynamic_zones_pa_composite_rsi_3.mq4


PS: changing average type has an effect on phase accumulation only if filter parameter is > 1. otherwise it will be same for all averages types (in that case much more impact has the choice of price that is used for calculation of phase accumulation and rsi)


Hi, would you mind updating dz of averages with new prices and averages. Furthermore dz ha delta of averages and dz OMA update of prices please. I wonder if it possible to make dz ha delta of averages on chart? Thank you.


Hi, would you mind updating dz of averages with new prices and averages. Furthermore dz ha delta of averages and dz OMA update of prices please. I wonder if it possible to make dz ha delta of averages on chart? Thank you. Kiko

Kiko12, this is an updated version of dynamic zones of averages.