Eurusd/gbpusd - page 456

i pm you ,


Please empty your emails; I'll reply as soon as your mail isn't full.

The weekly low for the EU was 1.3481.


Please empty your emails; I'll reply as soon as your mail isn't full.

The weekly low for the EU was 1.3481.

i empty my emails

i empty my emails




see more...........alternativ market ?

n8! see more...........alternativ market ?

No. That will NEVER be shared or sold. The only reason I'm willing to strike a deal over the other levels is because I'm no longer actively trading FX.

No. That will NEVER be shared or sold. The only reason I'm willing to strike a deal over the other levels is because I'm no longer actively trading FX.

thx m8! i pm you

Well - as I said yesterday - I'm not trading FX for the time being. I just focusing on the other market/system. If you want to discuss my levels and the deal then PM me as I'm not discussing such things on an open forum.

Do you trade Options (Exotic) or CD(Credit derivative)?

BTW, how do you normalizing the input data to the NN?

Do you trade Options (Exotic) or CD(Credit derivative)? BTW, how do you normalizing the input data to the NN?

I don't trade options anymore. I used to take a 'Straddle' option position at the weekly & daily high or low. This strategy is quite profitable so maybe you should look into it. I don't trade CDs.

Data normalisation is really a straight forward process. It is better if you do a google search as I'm sure there are 1000s of articles on the subject.

I don't trade options anymore. I used to take a 'Straddle' option position at the weekly & daily high or low. This strategy is quite profitable so maybe you should look into it. I don't trade CDs. Data normalisation is really a straight forward process. It is better if you do a google search as I'm sure there are 1000s of articles on the subject.

m8! thx. waitting for you on sunday!!!!"week no. 3564-3605 41p" i dont trade. wish you the best ,nice , great weekend and all your family!!

m8! thx. waitting for you on sunday!!!!"week no. 3564-3605 41p" i dont trade. wish you the best ,nice , great weekend and all your family!!

Have a great weekend!