Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1146


best free DAY POINT signales

day point eu---3259 was signal buy----3279 tp20p, later 3269 was signal sell-----3249 tp 20p, later day point 3250 was signal buy-----

olso day point 3259, 3269 was signal buy---


Morning majors ratios after all the moves :

EURUSD ratio is not changed much (it seems that the majority is still betting against it, if the number of short positions is taken into account). If one takes into account that the price merely returned where it was before the "pre rate release retreat" the price of EURUSD is at its resistance levels of 1.32 - 1.33 ish, so it still has to brake that level if it will continue up. So, far the odds are against a decisive resistance break through and with only US trade balance news ahead today not likely to happen before the news

ratios_1.gif  19 kb

best freeday point signales gu

day point gu---6152, 6144 was signal sell-----

stop out 6110 tp1 42p, tp2 34p, later day point 6144, 6152was signal buy-----


Roses are Red, Violets are Blue and the US trade deficit is growing - so who actually is was surprised with it

stop out 6110 tp1 42p, tp2 34p, later day point 6144, 6152was signal buy-----


stop out 6158 tp1 14p, tp2 be, later day point 6160, 6152, 6144 was signal sell-----6095 tp1 65p, tp2 57p, tp3 49p


next week;)

no. to look at 3594 t.up, middle no. 2894, 3308, 2687 t. down

hit no. 3308


best free DAY POINT signales

day point eu---3259 was signal buy----3279 tp20p, later 3269 was signal sell-----3249 tp 20p, later day point 3250 was signal buy-----

stop out 3360 tp 110p !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


best free DAY POINT signales

olso day point 3259, 3269 was signal buy---

stop out 3360 tp1 101p !!!!!!!!!!!!!, tp2 91p !!!!!!!!!!!! great day ,big green pips this week , wish you all great weekend


Found this on youtube. Forecast for EURUSD for next week (starting January 14th)


Before we start the week, here are two pictures. The usual ratios (from Oanda open positions) :

And one simple daily chart with only 2 trend lines and one minor trend line drawn on it:

As we are almost used to already, they are not in accordance (quite the opposite, one might say). If we listen to ratios we should go short, but buy now we already learned that the majority is counter trend traders. Trend lines on the other hand are telling an interesting story but the upper resistance is hard to determine this way (we are lacking data actually to find out a resistance right now - the dotted minor trend line is telling that it is already at the resistance point, but we have to wait and see confirmation of that in the coming week)

happy trading to all in the following week

ratios_2.gif  20 kb
trendlines.gif  37 kb