100-300 Pips Per Day Any Pair Any Timeframe Using 2 Indicators - page 82


No Thank You

saving space


You miss it every time

saving space



saving space


Gold mine

Hey Joe,

I have been trading this method for about a month, and I have never traded a more consistently profitable method. Thank you for all of your work on this thread. I dont really think that people realize how great this method really is. If one only traded TSU 1 on say 5 pairs an a daily basis one could easily harvest 100-200 pips on a daily basis. The only other thing that is required is a little patience and discipline. Thanks again for sharing this method.





I am new here,can you help me I do not have time to read from start this 80 pages. Can you explain me what is finally this strategy and how to post it and which indicators?

Thank you


LOL --- SOME people know WELL how great it is, and this is only a part of it !

Imagine something so nice that 800 - 900 pips a day are simply there for the grabbing, and with tremendous safety also ?

When one originates an approach, its easy to understand why a few WANT to keep it for themselves and will argue like mad with the one who originates the whole thing.

NOW, if you add a few things (and youse guys know where those things live) THEN you got something and not this emasculated little pip grabber!

peoples are VERY funny critters indeed !


Hey Joe,

I dont really think that people realize how great this method really is.



As mush as you talking about some other stuff to be add, so much I think that there is NO any other stuff. As if there is you will already prove that somehow.

So, will you prove it, and give rest of the equipment for us to catch the fish, or not?


LOL --- SOME people know WELL how great it is, and this is only a part of it !

Imagine something so nice that 800 - 900 pips a day are simply there for the grabbing, and with tremendous safety also ?

When one originates an approach, its easy to understand why a few WANT to keep it for themselves and will argue like mad with the one who originates the whole thing.

NOW, if you add a few things (and youse guys know where those things live) THEN you got something and not this emasculated little pip grabber!

peoples are VERY funny critters indeed !


Sorry couldn't help myself

Juchu --- the post below iterates my feelings and "designs" for my teachings --- it is NOT a matter of a few indicators and "away we go" but rather a KNOWLEDGE of how the market moves, when it moves, where its moving to and when its going to get there. It teaches time of day to trade, how to KNOW which way news will drive the price and simply how to know what the BANKS have in mind, either intraday or daily !

GIVING you a few indicators places me in the same position as any other "system only" person places you --- in heavy seas without a life preserver !

i garner 100% correct trades, 35 - 50 a day, day after day BUT its because I simply KNOW how to trade and WHAT the banks are doing --- NONE of it is RANDOM MOVEMENT, but rather a well orchestrated movement towards a very visible goal, which is learnable and predictable and TEACHABLE !

if you WANT to LEARN how the market works so that you can trade in any direction and any market, THIS is what i teach, but if you want the INDICATORS because you think thats ALL there is you need to know, I WILL NOT BE PARTY TO YOUR LOSING YOUR EQUITY, plain and simple !

where i presently call home is a complete forum with total interactivity by the members, but most is concerned with variations on a theme and that theme is what i teach --- its kept purposely obtuse so you CANT just grab some indicators and run off into the sunset THINKING youve found the answer to eternal life, but have to WORK for the knowledge that will allow you to trade forever with profits beyond your imagination.

ITS THE ONLY WAY I DO IT but youre free to seek a "system" that makes the whole job easier, if indeed it really does !

enjoy and trade well


Found this recently posted at a another site that MP has been banned from. Thought it would be a good read. The post is dated 4/17/2009. I like the "He has a history of being delusional" from his Ex wife part. It is funny how all of his endevors to "help people" at other sites has ended the very same way. Beware of those who say they know all and never take a loss.

Enjoy, the followinng is copied from the post at the other site

This is me talking to his ex. Still not a dime from him. I just wanted to update for any who are interested..

> Hi Chris,


> I just finished reading the first 30 pages of the forum link you sent. I can clear up a bit. Mike only began to start even looking at the stock market 3 years after our divorce. So his sum total of experience is less than 4 years. He has no formal training, and as far as I know has no license to trade anywhere. He may have money saved somewhere (he says repeatedly that he has begun trust funds for the children, but we have never seen any indication of the existence of such, and now with both in college, it would be the time for him to help them if he was ever going to). The children and I do not believe he has any money at all. He managed to get a total disability rating from the state after our divorce in order to get out of child support. He tells us all he is living on disability and social security. He has no office, lives in a tiny trailer, and has no car. He has a history of being delusional. He may or may not believe all the stuff he posted, but there is very little based in truth.


> If he hasn't changed his email and/or phone number I will try to reach him and ask him to do the right thing by giving you back your money. I don't however, hold much hope.


> You may want to warn other people that he is not the experienced trader he states. After reading his posts on the forum I can't hellp but be worried that you aren't his only victim.


> Debbie


Thanks for the quick reply. I am sorry for your grief as well I know how it is to be from a childs point of view when my dad never paid child support. I remember him talking about being an associate or something for some trading company a long time ago He told me he has been trading for years, the way I fell for his charms was through xxxxx.com his alias being MP6140. He was very well respected and had all sorts of training for his mentees. He enticed me talking about great fortunes in FOREX, said I could make like 500 dollars a week off of a 10k account.. Said I would pay him a percentage of profit.. Sounded good at the time, me being ignorant to the world (only 22 years of age)(him knowing I was in the military) thought that the guy really wanted to help me. I was really into saving and stuff wanted to have fortune one day and well he lost all but 700 dollars in a week. I have been trying to get him to recoup some of the losses since last October when it happened. I haven't been able to forget about the great loss since than. Money would really help on this mortgage I have to pay now.. I know hes still online but he wont talk to me anymore.. he remains invisible. I have learned a very big lesson one which I hope I will never have to go through again. I have all his email's saved and conversations through yahoo messenger but I know it would be impossible to try to get it from him through the legal system, just thought his morals would help set him free from guilt but now I know what kind of person he is I can move on much easier hopefully. Here is a website where I tried to ask a stock trading community legal advice to try to get a rise out of him, he later joins in on the forum to try to defend himself. It sucks that he has permanently made me scared of investing anymore. Its like I gaveup.

Well like I said thanks for emailing me back and ill keep you updated. If you see him tell him he is no friend of mine :/

Very Respectfully,



Yes, I know Mike Parker. He is my ex-husband. We have been divorced for many years. He lives at the Snow Valley Trailer Park off of Rt. 9. He is a self-proclaimed stock trader, but as far as I know hasn't ever had any formal training whatsoever. He was a cameraman by trade when we were married.

I am very sorry for your loss. I doubt if you will get any help from him to recover your money. Since he left us, we (I have 2 daughters) haven't received a penny, not even child support. I have had 2 or 3 jobs since he left in order to support my children, and now with them both in college I work 7 days and 5 nights a week. I am only telling you this so that you get an understanding of the sort of person you are dealing with. We have washed our hands of him.

You may have some legal recourse if he presented himself to you as a professional stock trader. I would investigate that as a possibility. Again, I am so sorry. Let me know what happens.



From: Chris Sent: Tue 8/14/2007 6:20 AM

To: Parker, Deborah

Subject: Do you know mike parker?

Sorry I am emailing you like this. I was just wondering if you knew a Michael Parker? He supposedly is a stock trader. He managed a trading account of mine I think he just wanted to hurt somebodys life..dont think he wanted to really help me after all. He lost 9 thousand dollars of mine in a week. He didn't try to help me get any of it back :/ its like half of my salary per year, Well just wondering if you knew him. Thanks

just search google ..lots of reading


homestudy, you know its all on another site and im NOT gonna post ONE approach on 5 different sites, by golly

A while back, during our last go-round, I was legally kept from showing trading results, but that permission was given me and with the release of a few days trading on one account, i have already proven how my approach to trading works --- as of this point in time, theres NOTHING left to prove unless you just want me to send you money to prove what a nice guy I am !



As mush as you talking about some other stuff to be add, so much I think that there is NO any other stuff. As if there is you will already prove that somehow.

So, will you prove it, and give rest of the equipment for us to catch the fish, or not?
