Basket Trading System (T101 system) - page 30

You just read it nor prove it don't you ? why don't both of you show your proven lesson based on this system ? i 've saw several things you say "cr@p" system that from beginning just copycat develop into the greatest, many of that found in FF, in the, that proven "cr@p" is Dolly system, read from 1st post you two! learn and prove!

sorry mate don't know what ur sayin in ur last post, I have never had anything to do with Dolly (whatever it is) is it another cr@p system, is that what you are sayin?

Hi Harmonytrader,

Quite a lot of people are trading this system. It is not because people don't post that this system would not be worth while to trade it.

On the contrary. If I can give you my opinion: from ALL the manual systems that one can find here in this forum or on forexfactory then this system stands by far with head and shoulders above all the rest ( and Ibelieve I know what I talk about).

It is not easy to set it up or to understand it. It takes quite some time to learn it. But if you do take the effort to pu a lot of home work in it then you have yourself a system with very high return and a life time keeper.

The reason I have such a high opinion about it is that it is the ONLY system that gives you a clear view on the total money and overall trend that is moving the complete forex market.

Friendly regards...iGoR

Hello Igor

Could you answer for me a question since you obviously are of superior intellect and experience. How does this system give the view of the markets "total money and overall trend".


In general this system tries to catch trend reversals. It does so in following way:

first, open a set of trades on test account. The rules which trades are given at the beginning, of course. Then, wait until the trades move into certain configuration (also described previously). The thing is done in such way, that once the configuration of trades is reached, strong trend (typically on eur/jpy) has occurred, and we are assuming that it will reverse soon. So, we enter trades against it, after we see some confirmation of reversal.

Overall it seems very profitable, and people are reporting crazy profits, with almost no reports of losses. Today I'm reading the threads (on both forums is is like 4000 posts, and i have still 500 to go..), and digesting the method. Did not tried actual trades on it yet, but I've already dissected it from mathematical side. And it is just beautiful there. And certainly it have the potential for such profits as people report. Moreover, it uses few good rules (buy low - sell high, no lagging indicators, just price action, etc.).

The original system have some minor flaws, and most posters do not understand how it works and how it could be changed and/or improved. I think I've understood its mechanics already, and have some ideas for improvement, but need to start trading it for a while and get feel of it, then maybe try my improvements as well.

I'll be in touch

thats great to hear... i like the concept of it to help gauge market sentiment. I guess like most things in life, anything worthwhile takes time to learn. Do you use the original manual method or do you use all the crazy indicaters some people use?

Hi Harmonytrader,

Remember that is said of all the manual trading systems out there I find this T101 system by far the best.

I do not trade this system. I trade my own system through EA.

Friendly regards....iGoR

Hello Igor Could you answer for me a question since you obviously are of superior intellect and experience. How does this system give the view of the markets "total money and overall trend".

Hi Moklopas,

Thanks for your kinds words (or flatery).

If I try to explain this system in a few words, it would not do justice to this system.

And since this system is partialy explained here but completaly in depth on forexfactory, it is useless for me to explain again everything here.

As I said in my first posting do the nescessary home work if you are really interested in learning a solid manual trading system and you will find out everything you need to know and learn without me needing to repeat everything the author and many followers explained already.

Friendly regards....iGoR


Thanks you for the headsup. I have a question, How long have you been trading it? and should i trade one pair only or can i trade multiple pairs at once? If so, what's the suggested leverage to use overall?



I do not trade this system. I trade my own system through EA.

Just to make things clear - you are talking about EA which trade system similar to t101, right?

I.e. you wanted to say 'I do trade similar system and have EA for it', not 'I do not trade this system, I have completely different EA trading completely different system and I use it'? Is that correct?

Hi Moklopas,

Thanks for your kinds words (or flatery).

If I try to explain this system in a few words, it would not do justice to this system.

And since this system is partialy explained here but completaly in depth on forexfactory, it is useless for me to explain again everything here.

As I said in my first posting do the nescessary home work if you are really interested in learning a solid manual trading system and you will find out everything you need to know and learn without me needing to repeat everything the author and many followers explained already.

Friendly regards....iGoR

Thanks iGoR,

I have read the threads mentioned, may I say I am very interested in them, mainly in the reception by so many people to it. I am seriously thinking of writing a simulation program for the system and using the findings in a paper on crowd mentality based on unsubstantiated information. If I get round to it I'll send you a copy.

You just wrote that it was the only system that gives you a "view" of the whole market... I never actually found an indepth statement in old Julius' threads on that issue, (when the people I work with say things like that they usually are talking about the effect on changing risk dynamics on the dollar or something like that... so maybe I am inexperienced in the modus of how people extract knowledge on these forums ), so I was just asking to know what you saw in it to that regard for you to say that.

Kind regards

Just to make things clear - you are talking about EA which trade system similar to t101, right? I.e. you wanted to say 'I do trade similar system and have EA for it', not 'I do not trade this system, I have completely different EA trading completely different system and I use it'? Is that correct?


Are you looking for an EA for this system? Look no further than Do You Have Profit Making Ea? - Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors there you will find the one and only EA sanctioned by the Almighty t101* for basket trading.

*Please note: This EA is locked and you need to visit the Almighty t101's website to purchase the key, of course this is just pocket money on the road to riches.


Why do you reply to the original poster about statements with a bunch of indicators... you do know that there are already alot of opensource indis for this system!

See my attachments,

developed from my local friend running in my Notebook

apology accepted friend, dolly system still good TS...