New Members introduction - page 910


I just now became a member here and want to say hi


Hi to all

This is a fantastic website I got very useful stuff from this website,So I decided to be a part of it and just joined.

Regards to all Seniors and members



want to say hi, I was only interested in a demo contest


new member always have to asking


Hi, i am new to this site, i believe i can learn more about forex with help of this site..!


i am forex man, i will take millions of money, kill market and have sexy time with many women


Hello everyone,

I am a Binary options trader,2 years. Looking for best strategy in 60 seconds trades.

Best Regards.



Hello, I'm a trader from Portugal


Forex Signum is a modern, dynamic and resilient company.We provide our customers with the best possible support based on continuous observation of the Forex market and selecting the best solutions at the moment.


Hi All,

I am newcomer. I hope you will accept me in the forum

Thank you very much