Ecn - page 3


Hi EFXandy,

I want to inform you that I got tired to delete your additional threads and your promotional posts from everywhere on the forum. As my PM to you could not fix anything so I decided to make this post in your thread. Every community is having the rules or habit. It is not a habit in our community to do any promotion by openning multiplied threads or making same promotional posts everywhere. Why? Because we are having democracy on the forum: every action of every member should not be a result in the infringement of the other members' rights on the forum.


EFXGroup is SCAM......OUT from this forum

Talking about rewriting MT4, I read a number of questions about how much works needed to complete transitions. Well, as C#/C++ programmer, I think this MQL4 language should be easily translated to C# for .Net application under a defined template if we used API with EFXGroup. At least there should be needed to write a template code for bridging between MQL4 and API interfacing with EFXGroup. Jeff

They are bulshiting. We offered them a brigde between MT4 and their trading

paltform but they are refused. This guys are martket makers.

With this bridge they can not control the "games".





New Digita...and then Bongo...

Newdigita. I am very sorry to have disrupted your forum. That was not my intention whatsoever. In fact, I specifically intented to simply start dialog and learn from your readers how WE can better our business and creat a better marketplace for all Forex Traders. Being in the Forex business yourselves, you know how wide-spread the corruption and the abuse can be. I would hope you would keep an unbiased view of our business for the larger benefit of the forex trading community.

That being said, I apologize if I have violated any of your rules on this forum. I read and re-read thru your rules and made sure I obeyed every last rule.

As far as bongo's post. I am sure you know that we are a solid company, and bongo has no idea what he is talking about. I can assure you we have never had such deals promoted to us. I will make this post an open offer for Bongo to contact us directly and make good on his "offer" to creat a bridge between us and MT4. We have had numerous "attempts" at this and all have failed...which is why we are spending many dollars and many man hours attempting to resolve this issue on our own.

I appreciate your time. And I will extra make sure not to PROMOTE, but rather listen, and learn, and add to the dialog. So far, we have had a tremendous response from our posts on your site, and much appreciate your forum. I would hate to lose your site and a favorite.

Thank you, and please contact me directly if you would like to discuss anything further.

Andy Geller

EFX Group EFX: Experience Forex Freedom


MT4 can never be hooked up to an ECN. an extra decimal is required and the smallest tick data in MT4 up or down is 1 pip. In an ECN markets can move .25 of a pip in one direction followed by .8 of a pip in the other direction, it always shows true price. MT4 rounds each pip to the closest value. IE true market price is is 1.2000.5 in MT4 price may not change at 1.2000 or price could be 1.2001 Lets say if an ECN had MT4 configured and price was at 1.2000.8 the MT4 ECN would only show 1.2001. If I/we executed at an order buy or sell at 1.2001 with 0 slippage the market order would be denied for the simple fact the ECN market price via Liquidity is at 1.2000.8 True MT4 ECN would not be available unless Metaquotes support Ticks feed with no limit to decimal extensions to show the complete market price, PERIOD !!!!

Mt4 price to rounded to the nearest point via the DD.

Perhaps MT5 in a few years could change this, but for now we can only dream !!



Yes Many MT4 bridge solutions have been inplemented by various brokers and other providers. but they all crumble by the same problem.

There spread always has to be 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc under ECN the spread could be 0.2 , 0.3, 0.4 etc MT4 cannot suppot any value less than 1, it's either 0 or 1. ECN most of the time is between >0 1 2 3 <4. etc

Brokers that have inplemented some sort of bridge has massive requotes issue and or slip you a few pips just to get you filled at a price. right now there is nothing that can be done about this issue on MT4 until metaquotes supports the forex market at it's true rate and extends it's price variables to conform with true market price. it's also great for DD as you can be sure there always at least going to at least bank from a 1/10 of a pip extra in there pocket without you even noticing what is going on. just imagin how much that adds to in 1 year with even a few hundred clients !!!!




Thanks, Jorgka. You explained it way better than I could have.



Yeah, I hear you about demos. It's all you really have as far as testing. But, here is the REAL problem I have with them. If we are in agreement that they are not nearly as "perfect" as a live environment, then when you test a system, and it "works", you are gaining false confidence.

I would rather demo something out for a short while to see if just THE IDEA of it works, but then open up a VERY SMALL live acct. with a few hundo in it. Risking 4-500 USD and seeing if something REALLY works is a much better idea. Trade MICRO-MINIS..that way you can let your system go for a long while and let your small investment stretch some time.

I would not recommend putting much money in such an acct., but rather the MINIMUM!

Of course I would suggest an ecn, but whatever makes you comfortable.

That being said, I think we are on the same page.


efx group

Yes Many MT4 bridge solutions have been inplemented by various brokers and other providers. but they all crumble by the same problem.

There spread always has to be 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc under ECN the spread could be 0.2 , 0.3, 0.4 etc MT4 cannot suppot any value less than 1, it's either 0 or 1. ECN most of the time is between >0 1 2 3 <4. etc

Brokers that have inplemented some sort of bridge has massive requotes issue and or slip you a few pips just to get you filled at a price. right now there is nothing that can be done about this issue on MT4 until metaquotes supports the forex market at it's true rate and extends it's price variables to conform with true market price. it's also great for DD as you can be sure there always at least going to at least bank from a 1/10 of a pip extra in there pocket without you even noticing what is going on. just imagin how much that adds to in 1 year with even a few hundred clients !!!!



You are totaly wrong.

Our bridge between MT4 and Currenex working perfectly,

no requotes. What you need to adjust EA.

For example:

Sell eurusdc at 1.41632 and close 1 second later at 1.41630.

Profit was only 0.2, no 1 pip. etc.


Please see statment.

25178 2007.10.03 16:15 sell 4.30 eurusdc 1.41632 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:16 1.41630 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.60

25180 2007.10.03 16:16 sell 4.40 eurusdc 1.41650 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:16 1.41640 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.00

25179 2007.10.03 16:15 buy 4.90 eurusdc 1.41640 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:16 1.41650 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.00

25177 2007.10.03 16:15 buy 5.00 eurusdc 1.41640 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:16 1.41650 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00

25164 2007.10.03 16:15 buy 5.00 eurusdc 1.41690 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41650 0.00 0.00 0.00 -200.00

25170 2007.10.03 16:15 sell 4.30 eurusdc 1.41670 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41669 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.30

25169 2007.10.03 16:15 sell 3.80 eurusdc 1.41680 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41670 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.00

25167 2007.10.03 16:15 buy 3.60 eurusdc 1.41680 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41681 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.60

25165 2007.10.03 16:15 sell 3.40 gbpusdc 2.03780 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 2.03773 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.80

25152 2007.10.03 16:13 sell 4.00 eurusdc 1.41720 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41700 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00

25159 2007.10.03 16:14 sell 3.00 eurusdc 1.41730 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41700 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00

25156 2007.10.03 16:13 sell 3.00 eurusdc 1.41730 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41700 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00

25157 2007.10.03 16:14 sell 3.10 eurusdc 1.41730 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41700 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.00

25154 2007.10.03 16:13 sell 2.90 eurusdc 1.41730 0.00000 0.00000 2007.10.03 16:15 1.41700 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.00

Yeah, I hear you about demos. It's all you really have as far as testing. But, here is the REAL problem I have with them. If we are in agreement that they are not nearly as "perfect" as a live environment, then when you test a system, and it "works", you are gaining false confidence.

I would rather demo something out for a short while to see if just THE IDEA of it works, but then open up a VERY SMALL live acct. with a few hundo in it. Risking 4-500 USD and seeing if something REALLY works is a much better idea. Trade MICRO-MINIS..that way you can let your system go for a long while and let your small investment stretch some time.

I would not recommend putting much money in such an acct., but rather the MINIMUM!

Of course I would suggest an ecn, but whatever makes you comfortable.

That being said, I think we are on the same page.


efx group

Yes, I agree. We're on the same page. I would, of course, prefer an ECN. But I don't have any way to automate trading with one right now. I don't understand or have knowledge of Bongo's solution with Currenex. Maybe he can lead me in the right direction if that's open to the public. Or I can wait to see if what you're doing becomes viable.

Yes, I agree. We're on the same page. I would, of course, prefer an ECN. But I don't have any way to automate trading with one right now. I don't understand or have knowledge of Bongo's solution with Currenex. Maybe he can lead me in the right direction if that's open to the public. Or I can wait to see if what you're doing becomes viable.

Sorry, MT4 and Currenex is not for mini accounts.

The banks will not bader with minis????

Min. open position is over ONE million, 10 lots on 100K.