OILFXPRO earlybird E A - page 3

No problem. I wrote it just for the future: if someone is improving some EA and need to change the name completely so please consult with the original coder. Because in most cases they will have nothing against it. Especially Igorad, you know. No problem.

This practice of renaming indicators and experts really is one of my pet hates. Unless someone is radically modifying something it serves no purpose other than to confuse people.

If the modifications are major, then its as easy to re code from scratch, and if the modifications are minor, then the original author should be openly acknowledged.

When non programmers do this, they cant even use the excuse that they're improving the original implementation.

What possible reason is there for renaming someone else's work other than ego, or to pass off others work as your own ?, blatant plagiarism of source code, or any intellectual property really is despicable.

What possible reason is there for renaming someone else's work other than ego, or to pass off others work as your own ?, blatant plagiarism of source code, or any intellectual property really is despicable.


You are just repeating what has already been said in this thread.Go read the thread and stop playing the broken record.

Everything you have said has been covered in this thread prior to your post except that this is your view


El Cid

el cid:

You are just repeating what has already been said in this thread.Go read the thread and stop playing the broken record.

Everything you have said has been covered in this thread prior to your post except that this is your view


El Cid

I have read the thread

Ive had experience of someone renaming and selling one of my indicators for commercial gain, and as a consequence, I no longer participate in open source development projects. The same can be said for other forum members, and ex members who no longer participate due to these issues.

So those who contributed ORIGINAL material no longer contribute. Your contribution is to rename and recycle existing materials, and by your actions, you discourage those who do contribute original materials to stop doing so.

Now perhaps you could explain why you feel the need to rename the work of others ?, I have yet to see you address that point. Your wife may have changed her surname on getting married, but you didn't marry this EA !

At what point in the thread do you explain that this is a renamed version of a strategy designed and implemented by someone other than yourself ?

At what point in the thread do you provide a reference, allowing interested parties to determine the history of the system, the authors original intentions for how the system should be traded, or what aspects of market behavior the EA is designed to exploit

At what point in your threads do you explain the improvements you've made to an existing design ?

Why couldn't you simply state that you've been testing the original EA and obtained good results ?, why not give the original designer some credit ?


Yes, I agree.

It is always between the original coder (Igorad) and person who renamed (el cid). I just posted warning message above 3 times already, just for the future, after consulting with Igorad of course, just translated his words onto the English (joke about "no oil[OILFXPRO] in Ukraine" is mine). Besides he saw our forum copywrite in el cid's EA on this thread and said that it is good that el cid is keeping the copywrite of our forum in this EA. It is just renaming case. And it was just for the future I think the people should consult and ask the original coders by themselves. Because as you understand I just worked as negotiator in this particular case between two people.

This problem was solved now. For the future, please, don't re-name, or ask original coders for this action (by PM for example).

I have read the thread

At what point in the thread do you explain that this is a renamed version of a strategy designed and implemented by someone other than yourself ?

At what point in the thread do you provide a reference, allowing interested parties to determine the history of the system, the authors original intentions for how the system should be traded, or what aspects of market behavior the EA is designed to exploit

At what point in your threads do you explain the improvements you've made to an existing design ?

Why couldn't you simply state that you've been testing the original EA and obtained good results ?, why not give the original designer some credit ?

There is no need to do any of that because I do not want anyone to think of this strategy as the old strategy which had a different emphasis trading different times of the day.It has a different identity to the old system and this is a package put together ,which is lower risk than the old strategy which was conflicting with trades during the daywith using different systems so I want to promote it as a different strategy for mornings only.

If this strategy had gotten mixed with the old thread , none of us would gain by get a mixed up view of an old mediocre strategy.We have a great perception of this early bird ,so let us move on and use it for profit

The old strategy was innefficient in many respects ,so I made Aa lot of improvements and found great results which I posted here ,so A lot of the guys struggling could benefit.I actually spent hundreds of hours of my time on it to make this strategy .This compares with 5 TO 10 hours required to write an E A .

The logic is complicated so I am not going to explain it.It buys if the market is strong and sells if the market is weak. Thats all you are going to get from me.

Move on as I want to spend time on making many more profitable strategies .


Perhaps you can make some constructive contributions ,so we can all profit.I have made my contribution.


El Cid

el cid:
Perhaps you should have thanked me in your post for the effort ,energy,time and skill (trader's skill is the gem in a E A ) in reproducing this system ,which was freely available on russian sites .I can get a coder for $50 to rewrite the russian version.

Perhaps show some gratitude to me for the expert input to change a mediocre strategy for free

I am now working on the OILFXPRO LATE BIRD E A ,so project let me know what I should do and I should not do ..................so u can use my great trading skills for free.I won't publish the OILFXPRO LATE BIRD until I read your reply


El Cid

Hi el cid,

QUOTE "so project let me know what I should do and I should not do ..................so u can use my great trading skills for free."

1-If you had seen some live account statements from Project,as I have seen..you will pray for him to teach you some drops of his trading wisdom..and,no,we are not talking mini accounts,we are talking six and seven figures accounts with unbelievable and constant high rates of return

2-If you had seen/tested/traded some of the EAs Project has developed or codeveloped(with people like Mr Tools,Alejandro Galindo,Tom Maneval),you will realize he could take your pitiful copycat of an EA and wipe his ass with it,since he probably won`t have any better use for it

3-If copycatting other people`s EAs is what your great trading skills are based on..Some things have got to be believed to be seen

Hi el cid,

QUOTE "so project let me know what I should do and I should not do ..................so u can use my great trading skills for free."

1-If you had seen some live account statements from Project,as I have seen..you will pray for him to teach you some drops of his trading wisdom..and,no,we are not talking mini accounts,we are talking six and seven figures accounts with unbelievable and constant high rates of return

2-If you had seen/tested/traded some of the EAs Project has developed or codeveloped(with people like Mr Tools,Alejandro Galindo,Tom Maneval),you will realize he could take your pitiful copycat of an EA and wipe his ass with it,since he probably won`t have any better use for it

3-If copycatting other people`s EAs is what your great trading skills are based on..Some things have got to be believed to be seen

I saw one one of project's job in the Elite and I never looked for another one as it was so awesome I could figure out it was not worth spending any more time .

Maybe I like to see one ....maybe there isn't one

So show me the link ...bet there isn't one


El cid


can i rename your wife and share with others?

can i rename your wife and share with others?

The orignal strategy was freely shared here and it is still freely shared there and here


It was not in the Elite section

An I am using it in my portfolio


El Cid

el cid:
I saw one one of project's job in the Elite and I never looked for another one as it was so awesome I could figure out it was not worth spending any more time .

Maybe I like to see one ....maybe there isn't one

So show me the link ...bet there isn't one


El cid

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits...;)