Forex signal generator - page 9


Ok, Thanks

It seems so interesting


I try to write oscillator for pivot point and a simple EA but I think there are some errors....Can someone help me?

Now works only on GBPUSD........

Hi Quickdraw,

I am very new to this thread, but I already know, that you are successful with this 20pips strategy. Please tell me exactly how it works.

So we have the signal generator, I enter last days open, high, low and close and it calculates 4 signals. I also know you look on the daily candle. So if it is a bull candle you will surely take one of the buy signals, what WHICH?

And then you put a limit order with a predefined SL of 30 and TP of 20 in the market and wait till it is executed.

Have I got that right? Please tell me, how you trade. And how is EUR/YEN going. Have not much experience with that cross currency.

Hi Woodcrusher,

I am sorry for taking so long to reply to your questions. I've been so busy lately with work (and of course trading ), so I am just now getting around to replying.

So we have the signal generator, I enter last days open, high, low and close and it calculates 4 signals. I also know you look on the daily candle. So if it is a bull candle you will surely take one of the buy signals, what WHICH?

Yes. Here is the way I do it: If there is a bull candle (bull daily candle) then I will be looking to buy. The buy signal to choose from the forex signal generator calculator is the first one, which is "Buy A". And if you are looking to sell then you choose "Sell A". I wait until 12am EST or after before getting into a trade. This is suppose to be the best time to trade because of the European session. Also by trading the European session, it gives the currency some time to form some type of daily trend - either Bull or Bear. Now, that doesn't guarantee if it forms a trend that it will totally continue to go in that direction. Because as we all know, nothing is guaranteed. So you never know, sometimes it may decide to turn around and go in the opposite direction. I haven't seen it happen very often yet since I've been using this system, but it could happen. But the point is, you have to go with the odds. And if it is trending in a certain direction then I believe it is smart to look to make a trade in that direction.

And then you put a limit order with a predefined SL of 30 and TP of 20 in the market and wait till it is executed. Have I got that right?

You are correct. However, you can experiment with a different Stop Loss and/or a different Take Profit. Right now with the gbp/usd I am using a stop of 30 and TP of 20. I will soon test different SL's and TP's, so that means my current SL's and TP's may in the future possibly change for the four currency pairs I am currently trading. You will find that sometimes the price will never reach your limit order. But that is ok. There will always be another day to trade. And if you are trading more than one currency pair then that increases the odds that you will at least get into one trade for the day. That's the way I look at it.

And how is EUR/YEN going. Have not much experience with that cross currency.

The eur/yen (or "eur/jpy" as it is offically known) has been my best performer so far. With the eur/jpy I have 9 wins and 1 loss. I guess you could make a case that the gbp/jpy is my best performer because I haven't had a loss with it yet. However, for various reasons, I've only been able to get into 4 trades with it so far. Four trades and four wins with the gbp/jpy. I have done just about as well with the other 2 pairs I am trading (gbp/usd and eur/usd). With the gbp/usd I have 5 wins, 1 loss. With the eur/usd I have 6 wins, 2 losses. I probably could have made a few more trades on all the pairs I'm trading, but for various reasons - such as getting home to late or not being sure of the trend - I did not make some trades. Again, I haven't been using this system for very long... only 3 weeks so far. There are always other possiblilites why I am doing so well. Maybe I am catching the market just right and possibly the last 3 weeks have been a good time to trade. Maybe I've just been lucky. OR, maybe, just maybe ... this "little toy" as Paijo likes to say, is the real deal and will make us all rich!

I really hope that last "maybe" turns out to be the real reason!


Paijo ...... I sent some better bizznizz bureau... to your add ... to make it more pro .... Hahahahahaaaa....


Only 3 words ...............Fan...tas...tic...............Look like comming from triliundolls

I haven't been using this system for very long... only 3 weeks so far. There are always other possiblilites why I am doing so well. Maybe I am catching the market just right and possibly the last 3 weeks have been a good time to trade. Maybe I've just been lucky. OR, maybe, just maybe ... this "little toy" as Paijo likes to say, is the real deal and will make us all rich! I really hope that last "maybe" turns out to be the real reason!

as long you have your dicipline, this little toys can be your next arsenal, buy if you not carefull, this one will blow you out, dicipline, dicipline and dicipline!!!

Paijo ...... I sent some better bizznizz bureau... to your add ... to make it more pro .... Hahahahahaaaa....

wahahaha Like your style sir, just send the bureau, I will give a big discount:)

I try to write oscillator for pivot point and a simple EA but I think there are some errors....Can someone help me? Now works only on GBPUSD........

Sorry can't help, I'm not expert with C++:)


Today 5 FEB trading plan

Sell Limit GBP/USD on SELL A

Sorry can't help, I'm not expert with C++:)

Thanks anyway.....I hope someone can help me to automize this great system....