Goblin Bipolar mod H


It appears I hijacked Bluto's Goblin Bipolar thread, which I didn't mean to do.

This thread is dedicated to mod H. I'll try to answer any questions but please remember a few things:

1) I am not the designer of this EA, just a johnny-come-lately contributor.

2) I think the quasi-Martingale lot sizing is very risky so I will always be encouraging you to keep RiskPercent low, like 0.5 or less, and not to go crazy with loading up on pairs traded.

3) I have no plans to make overhauls to Goblin Bipolar. The backbone, the trading engine, is not familiar to me, so Bluto is your man, assuming he wishes to continue making his mods public. Please do not bother making suggestions for mods because I will ignore them.


I have my own forum and I am a private trader, EA developer (both MQL-II and MQ4), and introducing broker for InterbankFX, Velocity4x and FXDD.

I will let you into my forum for free if you open a live account with any of the above brokers, specifying me as the introducing broker, or if you pay a small fee.

I have helped several people make steady profits in fx. Not everyone will like my personality, but I'm on your side and I have a large collection of fx tricks up my sleeve that I share on my forum.

My web site -- the gateway to my forum -- is here: http://autoforex.biz

Last but not least, here is the cleaned-up version of Goblin_BiPolar_Edition2modH -- LotsIncreaseBy reduced to 1.3 for less risk.


I will let you into my forum for free if you open a live account with any of the above brokers, specifying me as the introducing broker, or if you pay a small fee.


Does it apply to mini accounts to ?



Definitely, both standard and mini accounts.


Why not everyone will like your personality? Are you mean?

Why not everyone will like your personality? Are you mean?

Don't worry shibeng, he's got a heart of gold.

I'm a happy Member since March 05

Why not everyone will like your personality? Are you mean?


AutoFX is about the meaness, roudess, crudess and abussive person you'll ever meet. But every once in a while he really messes up .... and lets a little bit of humanity show through. That is what makes it all worth while.


i started forward test yesterday...now up usd80....trading 4 pairs... my own setting, will post statement on weekend


Hi I don't think I trust the ea to do real trades. I am looking at backtest for 06 and I notice bad drawdown at many point. As examples you look at Apr06 and see eurusd going away from bottom to new highs but ea keep placing sell trades and losses get real real big until stoploss. Nothing to keep these losses from happening. No safety. Other things are when big marbozu towers on news cause trend to keep going and no retracing. The ea is cool like nothing Ive seen before but still very very risky and even dangrous to trade real money until these holes get fixed. Who can work on these since mr. autofx isn't going to do more work? Can someone keep working on the code? I also test 10point3 but same problems even much much worse. Maybe we need a new ea idea here from somebody for profit.

Who can work on these since mr. autofx isn't going to do more work? Can someone keep working on the code?

Goblin_BiPolar could benefit most from a lot-sizing makeover. Maybe I will find time to work on that, since it's simple stuff. I'll see what I can come up with over the next week or so.

Why not everyone will like your personality? Are you mean?


shibeng, I pretty much agree with what you're saying.

I'm using the demo-trade results to come to my conclusions. I'm getting some very big drawdown using four pairs, even with RiskPercent at 0.5.

I confess I still get a little giddy when I see a great backtest or a few nice short-term demo statements.

Goblin_BiPolar has a wonderful core to it. I love how it generates trades. I think it could be made into a much safer EA by going away from the Martingale-type lot sizing.


I have been thinking about this very thing myself for several days, am happy to see that you are on it. Thanks so much for your efforts here Bob.

Goblin_BiPolar could benefit most from a lot-sizing makeover. Maybe I will find time to work on that, since it's simple stuff. I'll see what I can come up with over the next week or so.