The PipHunter - page 3

What is the purpose of this thread?It does not make sense ? It is Idiotic to say the least.Please journalize your trade for yourself in your private computer.

1 - what the purpose of this thread...... is for me to be a better trader,and maybe for others to see what its like to see others trying to stick to the rules of there system and see the results of either doing so or not doing so,wether or not it actually helps anyone else or not i dont know,

2 - it does not make sense......what does not make sense?an example - for someone to read the last few posts of a thread(not you or this thread,as i assume you did read it all) but others who read the last few posts ask some really trivial question that has been already asked 12 times before and been answered the same amount of times,which if thed read the full thread they would already have the answer they desire,that to me does not make sense,or would it be to voice an opinion (like your own) that does not serve any purpose whatsoever....constructive critisim all fine and good....down right rudeness no dont appreciate that

3 - It is Idiotic to say the least .......idiotic to whom????? ever heard of the saying......"one mans loss is another mans gain".......... i love mountain climbing other folk think its stupid and foolhardy and idiotic,some folks think trading forex is gambling and idiotic to others it has opened up a life they only dreamed of before,some folks beleive theres a god some folks think thats insane............sorry what was your point again...........

4 - Please journalize your trade for yourself in your private computer......hmmmmmmmmm now thats a toughy to about NO........if the admin of the site wish to remove this thread then by all means if they feel this thread bears no positive contribution to this forum then please by all means feel free to remove it

and you have visited this idiotic pointless thread and voiced your thoughts...........well suppose theres no point in saying anymore is there because i dont suppose you will be back wil you............


Dont listen to them pipmaster, do your thing, you seem to be enjoying yourself and having a good week pip wise so all the very best to you and if it keeps you more focused on the job in hand you keep posting away

All the best to you

Dont listen to them pipmaster, do your thing, you seem to be enjoying yourself and having a good week pip wise so all the very best to you and if it keeps you more focused on the job in hand you keep posting away

All the best to you

i will second that

Dont listen to them pipmaster, do your thing, you seem to be enjoying yourself and having a good week pip wise so all the very best to you and if it keeps you more focused on the job in hand you keep posting away All the best to you

I will third that

Dont listen to them pipmaster, do your thing, you seem to be enjoying yourself and having a good week pip wise so all the very best to you and if it keeps you more focused on the job in hand you keep posting away All the best to you

cheers m8

i will second that[/CODE]

cheers 2 u to m8

[CODE]I will third that

well thats a shocker,lol,and thanks to you to m8

thanks for the support guys,i know this thread is a bit of a self rant but i appriciate you letting me rant on......will maybe try and get a bit more structure to it come monday,and maybe go a bit into the method of trading that i use,since you are all being so nice

till then all have a good weekend............


Uhmm... where are you piphunter?? You wanted to have your own thread to 'keep track of your trades' and then you bail? Even after i gave you all that crap, and got you to loosen up... did you get to loose?


morning guys and gals,sorry bout my lack of appearence last week,had to take my old canine friend jake to the vet as he had reached the grand old age of 14, rather good for a german shepard,so he's away to doggy heaven so as other pet owners may understand ,it is like losing one of the family,so i had a wee break from trading last week,but todays a new day so back to normal i guess,well as normal as normal can be..........

so as for today.well entered a sell trade at 1.8993 as per the rules and just not long ago exited at 1.8947 for a profit of 40 pips(including spread).

so been a nice quick morning and profitable too so cant complain,happy and good trading guys..........see you in the afternoon if theres anything to trade

Uhmm... where are you piphunter?? You wanted to have your own thread to 'keep track of your trades' and then you bail? Even after i gave you all that crap, and got you to loosen up... did you get to loose?

aw shucks were you missing me YupYup

p.s.......ding dang dong.just looked back at the chart and must say that was a nice exit on that last trade

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well after the 77 pip move last night in the asia session,looks like iv got the day off ..........the reason for this.............remember this is just my thoughts and there only based on my newbie findings based on the method i entry for a buy is close but after already havin a 77 pip move so far dont know if theres much steam left in todays move for much further progress if it goes back up beyond the 1.960'ish mark,which happens to be just under the 3rd level of resistance,so id feel not very confident about a buy trade,as for my sell entry thats way off due to the move last night ,so really the same reason as above,by the time it got to my entry it point dont think thered be much left for me,but will pop back now and again to see whats happening with it,but as i said looks like a no trade day for me........


Hmmmmmmm a new day another dollar.........feeling disapointed about this mornings trade entered a buy at 1.9075,i knew there looked like heavy resistance not to far above,daily,weekly monthly,they were all there,but heck the trade was there so took it,started off not to bad a slow wee run up,went to a high of 23 pips,and i was thinkin nice that will do just take it,but thought no,wasnt expecting a good trade out of this anyway maybe i will hold of a bit and see what what happens yes fell like a ton of bricks what do to? what to DO?.......had set stop loss to breakeven anyway so wasnt in danger of losing,but what if its just a retracement and its gonna pop back up im thinkin,what to do? what to do? not got much time to decide,price falling rapid shit.... what to do?so heart a racing and beads of sweat running i hopped out with a whole 3 pips profit,so thats it,not a loss but i suppose its easy to say after the event,but i feel i should have done better,especially when i went into the trade i did not think it would even get as far as 23 pips,so really should have took it,and it might even head back up,just to bite me on the bum twice, ah well another trade gone so will survive to the next one.........i hope

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well this afternoons trade started of kinda like this mornings.........except for one thing........ME .........yes this afternoon i was a pr#ck,why is this .ok here goes...........gets the trade so enters a sell at 1.9051 price falls around 20 pips then goes back up and just like this morning i bailed for 1 pip(balls up one).so after i slaps myself around a bit,i compose myself and plan to re-enter the trade so puts a sell stop at 1.9041 at the bottom of the previous low..........or so i thought...........erm i forgot to place the actual order........ so as i notice price falling and wondering why im not in a trade ........i try to execute a trade and of course get 2 requotes so the price i actually get in at is 1.9031 ten pips away from were my order should have been(balls up 2) and yes theres eventually get back into the same trade that i started of with at 1.9051 before i bailed so price drops another 20 pips (which would have been 40 pips if id stayed in the original trade) and of course price decides to head back up the way, so what can be the next balls up........well......i think f#uck it break even and go for a beer and relax......good idea i says to myself so as price heads to break even i close the trade..........not much of a prob there i here you say........well if you look at the report for today you will see SOMEHOW i dont know how ,but i only closed out 0.04 of a 8.0 lot at break even,(balls up 3) and did i notice this right away .......AWW NO....only spotted the sell order still on the chart and thought i just closed that and then seen it was still going for 7.96 lots.arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh,but of course price is going up now and im in a loss not much a few slaps myself around some more.......and trys to think what to do......ok price is just ranging up/down a few pips ,i'll hold on and see if it comes back down (i know i know,you dont have to say it) but lucks on my side ,it does come back down,so im just waitin for it to break even then im out.........but wait a gets to break even.......trigger finger ready.......hmmm why not wait a mo to see if it goes back does a couple of pips ......close the trade im shoutin at know its going to go back up.......dam too late its up again.nope its down cut this story short, YES you guessed it a loss of 13 pips

well think that trade had all the classic newbie mistakes in it,along with some classic FEAR and his good old buddy GREAD

so off to the pub now for a cold one and reflect over todays mishmash by slyly glancing over my shoulder as the barmaid bends over for a clean glass

hope you all had a better day than me,but at least iv learned a valuable lesson,dont quite know what it is yet,but its knockin about so im sure ill stumble over it eventually and actually reading over this has cheared me up too till tomorrow tata

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