Traders joking, the beginning - page 429



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A new condo development in New York is charging a million dollars for parking spots. A million dollars to park your car — wouldn't it be cheaper to just get a ticket every day for the rest of your life and park wherever you want?

Q: Why was astrology invented?

A: So that economics could be considered an accurate science.

President Obama gave a big speech from White House where he outlined his plan to quote “degrade and ultimately destroy” the terror group ISIS. When asked how, he said, "I’ll build their website."


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British Prime Minister David Cameron went to Scotland this week to persuade citizens of the country to vote “no” on leaving the U.K. He said, “It's never worked out for anyone-well except America, and Canada, Australia, India, and . . . I'll stop talking now.”


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The FBI debuted its new facial recognition software which will archive the faces of tens of millions of Americans every day. This groundbreaking, amazing new software is called Facebook.

