Traders joking, the beginning - page 280


Six kids showed up for Halloween with no costumes at all, just dressed like ordinary people. They said, 'We're the six people who signed up for Obamacare on the first day.


"The Republicans are saying this is the worst presidential lie ever. Yes, Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and got thousands of people killed and said the war would pay for itself, but remember people, those were white lies." –Bill Maher on President Obama's promise that all Americans who like their health insurance plans would be able to keep them


I think we shall stop naming lies black/white...and go to millions of different shades of grey in between...depending on how many people lost life because of this or that policy/lie...

"The Republicans are saying this is the worst presidential lie ever. Yes, Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and got thousands of people killed and said the war would pay for itself, but remember people, those were white lies." –Bill Maher on President Obama's promise that all Americans who like their health insurance plans would be able to keep them

Bush was n't even supposed to be president and won by a lie and rigged votes by his brother

did n't Al Gore win?

how different the world might now be, if the right (or legitimate man) had actually been sworn in as the president

now that is a joke

the world really has gone mad

keep the jokes coming.......


Al Gore is cretin...the World would not be better off...

for references only: The One About Your Pinch of Incense to Al Gore (Cable & Satellite Fees) | Barnhardt

Bush was n't even supposed to be president and won by a lie and rigged votes by his brother

did n't Al Gore win?

how different the world might now be, if the right (or legitimate man) had actually been sworn in as the president

now that is a joke

the world really has gone mad

keep the jokes coming.......
Al Gore is cretin...the World would not be better off... for references only: The One About Your Pinch of Incense to Al Gore (Cable & Satellite Fees) | Barnhardt

Al Gore may well be a cretin

but Bush is a fool

surely the world is not better off after the Bush regime

the man who led us all into the Great recession

not Obama - he's only created Jobs, since being in office

Bush spent 16 Trillion Vs Obama's 9Trillion so far!

and as far as i know Gore nor Obama worship Goats

Will Ferell - You're Welcome America - A final Night with George W. Bush - YouTube


WR1...are you and me on the same Planet?...Where do you get your statistical references?...I can't even speak my mind freely now...but you can go here for some old news Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire least when Bush was in, I could type anything I wanted...and about those job numbers and Trillions spent?...check your sources again...

Al Gore may well be a cretin

but Bush is a fool

surely the world is not better off after the Bush regime

the man who led us all into the Great recession

not Obama - he's only created Jobs, since being in office

Bush spent 16 Trillion Vs Obama's 9Trillion so far!

and as far as i know Gore nor Obama worship Goats

Will Ferell - You're Welcome America - A final Night with George W. Bush - YouTube
WR1...are you and me on the same Planet?...Where do you get your statistical references?...I can't even speak my mind freely now...but you can go here for some old news Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire least when Bush was in, I could type anything I wanted...and about those job numbers and Trillions spent?...check your sources again...

its seems we must live in parallel universes

and nothings changed they've always spied on us, for many yrs

only difference is now we know how much

here in the UK we've known what GCHQ have being doing for 20-30yrs

and the patriot act was already written and waiting for 911 that happened under Bush

while he read Goat story's

most know that Bush knew beforehand about 911 and let it happen, so why you like this person so much and his era is a mystery,

most fundamental rights changed under Bush, but unfortunately Bush left such a mess,

what are the next Governments supposed to do

they ve all stuffed us and will continue to

we will just have to agree to disagree on this one

Obama is n't the great president many hoped he would be

but Bush is a bad man.. and was never on the side of the ordinary man

he's a war president, and a proxy

the Obama Health care act is extremely disappointing, but the US's rich 5% won't pay for the neediest and poorest in society so someone must

and the Dow and S+P are at all time highs what more could we wish for

if you need to see the real figures for the jobs check FF calender and google for the deficits under each presidents - some of those blogs are meant to lead people astray and are just written for fun


yes they read everything I typed 15 years ago...and heard my conversations on the phone...but I was not threatened back then...Think about this: "Barack Hussein Obama - President of the United States of America"...hear those words...feel it inside of you...say it in front of the mirror...may be you will understand me...if you still do not understand... smell my morning breath while I say it right in front of your offense

its seems we must live in parallel universes

and nothings changed they've always spied on us, for many yrs

only difference is now we know how much

here in the UK we've known what GCHQ have being doing for 20-30yrs

and the patriot act was already written and waiting for 911 that happened under Bush

while he read Goat story's

most know that Bush knew beforehand about 911 and let it happen, so why you like this person so much and his era is a mystery,

most fundamental rights changed under Bush, but unfortunately Bush left such a mess,

what are the next Governments supposed to do

Obama is n't the great president many hoped he would be

but Bush is a bad man.. and was never on the side of the ordinary man

he's a war president, and a proxy

the Obama Health care act is extremely disappointing, but the US's rich 5% won't pay for the neediest and poorest in society so someone must

the Dow and S+P are at all time highs what more could we wish for