Traders joking, the beginning - page 242



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California's Park Rangers discovered a plot in a forest where five hundred thousand pounds of marijuana was growing. It's a dilemma. If the whole world smoked a joint at the same time there'd be world peace for two hours, followed by a global food shortage.


another job opportunity for those who can't make it trading... Wake up America: Craigslist Ads For Crisis Actors (Stunning Videos)

who says there is no jobs in America!


Chevrolet introduced its seventh-generation Corvette Tuesday which is designed for young drivers They said the average age of a Corvette driver is sixty. However that averages out to forty-five, if you factor in the thirty-year-old stripper in the passenger seat.


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The Cato Institute found Americans can get more money from welfare benefits than many jobs. The bureaucracy makes it worse. A welfare worker reported that one female applicant hasn't had any clothes for two years and has been visited regularly by the clergy



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Recently, in one of the New York City subway cars, they found a dead shark. Other passengers just thought he was sleeping so they didn't say anything. The Transit authority suspects foul play.


Olympic star Oscar Pistorius was indicted in South Africa for killing his lover. He shot her four time through the bathroom door, saying he thought she was a burglar. He wants to move the trial to L.A. where a man is innocent until he tries to steal his memorabilia back.