Traders joking, the beginning - page 144



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Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said a failure to reach a deal for the fiscal cliff will hurt the recovery. The good news is most Americans will not be affected by this because they had no idea there WAS a recovery.


Printer. A new way to trade FX


"In what's being called a stunning literary find, a Danish historian has discovered the last remaining, unpublished fairy tale from Hans Christian Andersen. It's called "Congress Solves the Fiscal Cliff."


The numbers don't really add up do they ?

they should sell the family Gold and silver from Fort knox on ebay or one of those we buy gold shops

like normal people do in times of financial crises,

but then again if we could we would print our own money

whats the betting after the Christmas window / bonus dressing rally around the 2nd / 3rd of January the markets sells off off on concerns about the debt plan

(or did i miss something and its already started)

Only the Algos left in the offices after tommow trading against each other

always interesting to see the Algos on boxing day when no-one else is trading

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nearly forgot - its the end of the world anyways on Friday

but luckily Sky keeps on reminding us

anyone know what time ? - as don't want to miss it this time

funnily enough no betting shops would take my million pound bet the world would n't end on Friday

Only the Algos left in the offices after tommow trading against each other always interesting to see the Algos on boxing day when no-one else is trading

Brilliant. Never thought of it that way. It will be a joy to watch it now :):) It will beet the TV for sure


And now The Mayan Channel forecast. Thursday: cloudy, chance of showers, high 39. Friday: volcanoes, asteroid strikes, apocalypse.



According to Chinese Astrology, 2013 will be the year of Obama...


This is the lamest end of the world ever.