Gogetter EA - page 13


If today has taught me anything it is that this doesn't access the same data each time....

how can I stabalize that?


I tried this little ditty to see what data is passing thru....I don't know if I got it in the right place in the code but it does print out what is passing thru...with perhaps some repetition?

//+----------end signal placement locator-------------------------+

//Check position

int counter=1;

for(int u=1; u<=Bars; u++)


Print("open: ",Open," high: ",High," low: ",Low," close: ",Close);


Why don't you print the time and OHLC data to a file? That way you can easily compare the data sets.

Why don't you print the time and OHLC data to a file? That way you can easily compare the data sets.

only because I don't know how....I'm ready to learn...

one other thing I would like to know how to do....

I have a saved strategy report which I can't get the EA to reproduce...it has long since had the associated chart which can be opened from the strategy tester deleted....I would like to know how to take a saved report and open a chart based on it so that I can still look at the trades that it did one by one.

Ya know it's just not that easy for me to figure out what it did that made it so successful. I know that it is using 1m data again because it's got the tick mode selected. I know I was using tick mode when I got the great result too and that it was using the 1m data at that time. if I can't make it reproduce that great performance when I'm printing the data that it's using to a file how will I ever know what data it used to get that great result?

...assuming that I can somehow luck into getting it to do it again???


Try the following:

int handle;

int init()


handle=FileOpen(EAName+"_"+Symbol()+".txt", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ';');



int deinit()








FileWrite(handle, TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), iOpen... ); //declare them as variables and then insert them in the file write routine

Also, remember to put the routine where it is updated once every bar not every tick. Now you got enough ammo, and figure out the rest

Good luck.


ok now I have an excel question....

the original file is over 300,000 bars.

excel has a worksheet limit of about 65,000 rows...

when I try to import the original .csv file it gives me about the first two months on the first sheet, then it says there is a way to use some feature to do another import and select the starting point midway into it....for the life of me I can't find the feature it mentions. It doesn't allow me to select midway in the data as far as I can see....

how do I do that?

Try the following:

int handle;

int init()


handle=FileOpen(EAName+"_"+Symbol()+".txt", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ';');



int deinit()








FileWrite(handle, TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), iOpen... ); //declare them as variables and then insert them in the file write routine

Also, remember to put the routine where it is updated once every bar not every tick. Now you got enough ammo, and figure out the rest

Good luck.

I assume I have to make a print (filewrite) line for each OHLC not just the open right? or should I just put them all in the same line....

oh yes one more thing...this business of bars and ticks...I don't know where in the code it's using which no wonder this is so out of control for me.


I went to a seminar...

came back and started playing with some other indicators...

short of making a million dollars which results I can't reproduce...

ggl3.01.mq4  22 kb
ggl3-01.htm  144 kb
ggl3-01.gif  6 kb

Aragorn, I just read through this entire thread. First, gotta give you props for sticking with this. About a year ago, I spent every waking moment trying to come up with the holy grail of advisors. Fib levels, pivot points, stochastics, MA's, etc... Two lessons learned - a) the strategy tester is a complete waste of time. b) the demo account functions differently than a live account. I was able to come up with some code that traded with about 90% accuracy --- in the backtesting. On the demo account that dropped to 75% or so, and when I tried it live I was under 50% (which, with proper money management should still be usable). My point is, don't beat yourself up trying to optomize to the strategy tester, or demo account. It looks like you've got a good thing going. I'm going to take your advisor home, read through the code this weekend - and set it up on my live account trading .01 lots. That's the only way you will know if it works or not. Thanks for sharing your code!


GGL3.01 and GGS3

I appreciate your kind words....

The discouragement came because I couldn't get it to repeat it's star performance and go to over 1.5 million, nor could I deduce as of yet what made it do it in the first place...

I have sort of revamped some new entery signals...just playing around with different combinations really...low and behold on the GGS a simple if(rsi > 45) takes 50,000 to over 500,000! it's very touchy 44 or 46 don't work but 45 does..go figure that anamolie out???

One more thing I just thought of since starting these two off in the same new demo account today...

since both are using the changes in account equity to determine if the previous trade was a winner or loser and therefore change lot sizing...

well...if they are running in the same account that most probably will overlap with trades entered by the other EA...so a GGS trade that was a winner could trigger a GGL order to maximize lot sizes and visa versa if you follow me...

I don't know if this will mess up the intention of the thing to keep track of trends in waves or not...it could mess up that whole idea but who know...maybe it will make it better instead of worse...

if I've learned anything doing all this its that abstract ideas never play out exactly as they were conceived...sometimes a quirky little thing can in fact prove to be a great outcome and advancement...it can also undermine the whole thing and send me back to the brainstorming table too...

so I'll let them run forward and see as always if I can see what they are doing...

ggl3.01_1.mq4  22 kb
ggs3.mq4  22 kb
ggs3wrsi.htm  338 kb
ggl3-01.htm  144 kb