National Forums/Websites/Sources - page 17


learning to code

i am posting my tutorial

this tutorial is meant for ppl who have no prior knowledge of programming


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Forex Forum

Hello @all,

are here any German Forex Traders? I would be pleased about helpful discussions in our Forex Forum.

Forex Trading, Devisen, FX - Forum:




can make 1 million usd?

I find this blog today and this man can double an account in two weeks.I see a proof on the statement in the video.

What you think about it?


Well I think you should send him all your he can double it for you in 2 weeks....



discovered this French site Forex signal service that is honest and shows very good results

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what do you think?


How to Trade Forex like a pro

To succeed in forex in trading you have to get a reliable forex trading strategy and necessary requirement to fulfill your goals. And it is very important you learn the strong fundamental of forex market that work. Since I have been into forex trading I came to understand that the only way to be successful in trading forex, all you need is trading strategy based on some solid principles and forex trading fundamentals. Learning this strategy is very important when I started using this strategy it producing me 50%-60% success rate. All this strategy is well explained in forexwise . Here you will also learn how to manage trades to ensure maximum trade. Learning this entire concept is very important because it will take your trading expertise to a whole new level.