What Really Works From One Professional - page 101



Where's the Juice indicator?


/jab jab


Where's the Juice indicator?


/jab jab

Here you can find everything we have about Juice on forum


Where's the Juice indicator?


/jab jab

how about juice indicator performance pal for backtest n fwdtest??

Hi JD69, you probably haven't been with this thread for quite a while now because of the stupid bad fucking pricks that offended you and other contributors multiple times.

Anyway, I suppose you at least pay a silent visit every once in a while so I just wanted to say one simple big thanks to you and to other people who contributed helpfully. I haven't learned a clear-cut system... but that's the good thing, I've been doing that for past 6 months, reading different rules, trying EA's, and none has given me the confidence to start trading live.

A couple of days ago I discovered this thread (too bad I couldn't participate at the June 2006 chat sessions) and I know I have to shift to personal perception following. Unfortunately I have to go to school and don't have time to trade during the day... but I can trade the European openings. It's too much information, no clear rules... but a great philosophy and a way to view markets. I'll just pick up one piece (morning V detection) and work on it, then I'll expand to other tools within this framework. I think that's a lot better than clear-cut rules.

This is one of the two by far greatest threads I've ever read... the other one is SimbaSystem together with Simba ConMan.

Thanks again!

Others: if there are still people who would like this thread to continue, or discuss in a separate chat room, I'd be glad to join you.


I second some of what you wrote above and it's too bad this thread died the way it did. But it has certainly peaked my curiosity specially the "morning V detection" pattern.

I wonder if there's software out there that can analyze various different forex currency charts and find such repeating patterns with occurrence time and percentage of such occurrences, etc...

Are any of you guys still utilizing theEUR/USD "morning V detection" or has it's success run its course by now?



Hello JD,

Just want to say THANK YOU. I've just found this thread. Shame, it seems to be over. I'm a beginner, try demo for 4 monhs, still nothing.

Buy low, sell high: a perfect trade, but mostly seems unrealistic. Trend following: often too late, but seems safer. Still, I search for a way to find how to get at the top/bottom.

You've made it sound very possible. Before reading this, I put on screen many zigzags (mainly DT and Phat) and wondered how to filter the false signals. Through your template I understand a bit more. I've made a few trades, but got out too early. It is really worth to watch GBP at London open. Even a simple breakout strategy will work. My eyes were opened even wider after reading this thread.

I see some horizon again. I guess all comes down to learn Elliot Waves & fibs, divergences, fractals... Totally new world for me.

I hope this thread would continue, so I could learn more.

Thanks again,


You are forgiven Goldensight. Ps, I still think someone owes JD an apology for saying his system is crap and then “It’s the most pips I have ever earned”

What are the basic rules of this system?

Right lets get one thing fucking straight, i DO not need this. The rumour is not among traders, its amongst wana be traders who contacted me pretending to be programmers trying to extract my walk through of my trades. When they didnt get it they did the same as every other fucking gobshite, they threw their dummie out of the pram..My ip address is fake, for the very simple reason as we have seen..What indicators have i snatched? and as for ideas, there is nt one fucking sensible one on this forum...I gave you a trading system you cunt and all you can do is question it....the person in question wanted to be a trader, infact he has tried to tarnish my name when he couldnt get his own way...the only indicator that worked was the one i sent him, As for wolve waves indicator, well it speaks for its self......theres nothing worse than people thinking they are smarter than they actually are.....forex programmer being one of them, to name but too fucking many............so, let me say this, no more help, no more tips, no more free fucking charting, no more free fucking signals, no more chat room, no more fucking nothing....Like everything in this life, man, the human being has destroyed it again...so i bid you all farewell and good luck....i do not have time for petty squables, and if you didnt you might make somefucking money....Goodluck to all those that have actually put the hard work in and tried to get somewhere, rather than the fucking losers that email me wanting free signals...and you know who you are.....wheres you system, wheres your strategy,

So we are splitting up



I was going to start a new thread but after all the requests received i thought it fitting to carry on this one even after 3 years away..I decided to post an Elliott wave chart..

GBPUSD is in Extension 3c this has a chart probability pattern of 100 (High) chance of completing especially as there are 3c unfinished wave extensions..3 read line projections..Target is 1.7122 red diamond...Sub wave pattern probability is 100 (High) which GBP is in at the moment 1234 in wave 5 targeting 1.6764 or just below..These target projections are in real time so they may differ according to the wave unfolding in coming days...

gbpusdelwave.jpg  236 kb

Hi JD...

Glad see you back again


JD, how many months data do you use for elwave which indicate the trend ?

Thank you.