Problems: Alerts & alert changes do not get saved on programm exit


Dear Support Team, or anyone else who may be able to help,

my problem is as described in the subject line:

- When I close my MT4 software, most of the newly edited/added/changed alerts will not be saved, instead upon reopening MT4 the alerts are put back to a state a couple of days ago. Which means many changes I made with the alerts and new additions or deletion are gone from as much as the recent 1-3 days.

This is a big problem for me, as I heavily work with alerts and depend on them as I trade many currencies.

The alert are essentially the fruit of my work as they are the end product of my analysis of where I want to enter and where I possible want to exit.

So what is causing this, has anyone hear about this porblem? How can it be that changes of alert are not being "saved" instead after closing MT4 and upon reopening it, it is as if a re-store point from a couple of days ago is loaded.

This has cost me a lot time, as a lot of things are gone I have put alerts for.

I currently make screen prints of the alerts, that help me to re-edit my alert to the most up to date I had it before closing the MT4.

I do not have to close the platform often, but this week for example due to some other software installations I had to close MT4 3 times and had to edit like 30-40 alerts over again for 3 times, which cost me a lot of time.

Hoping some support staff can tell me how to fix this problem.

Best Regards,




Is there a way to contact support about this ?

Is there some support staff to have a look at this ?

It seems that in the Forum the support staff is not really attending to these technical problems, or there is no support staff here, is that correct or am I wrong?

Can anyone suggest where I can send my issue to? via email or something ?

Best Regards,



Hi, i have tested this and my alert are saved as they should.

Maybe you have installed MT4 on Win7/Vista in the Program Folder? This is known to cause a lot of problems due to file virtualisation. If thats your case you can try installing MT4 outside of these protected folders.


Hi Zzuegg,

Thanks for your reply. Maybe this is the problem.

Yes you are right, I have installed MT4 on Vista in the Program Folder.

Now what I have tried is, copy the MT4 folder out of the Program Folder to a folder on the C drive.

What happens then, after copying it and trying to open MT4 from the new folder outside the Program Folder, it doesn't load my profile settings anymore, the accounts, the charts, all the trend lines and everything is gone. It behaves like a rawly/freshly installed MT4, eventhough I have copied/moved the entire folder.

Therefore I have to continue using it from Program Folder.

Do you know how to "migrate" my existing MT4 from the program folder out of the program folder... moving the whole MT4 folder, so that everything is moved ?

Best Regards,


Install in a new location, then move the old hierachy to the new location.


Can you let me know which "hierachy" I need to move to the new location folder ?

I have already tried simply copying the whole MT4 folder from "program files" to "new location", which should actually include all the history files, all the profiles etc.

But they are all gone when I start MT4 from the new location.

Anyone has any suggestions how to move the entire MT4 installation out of the "program folder" to "new location" including all the settings, so NOTHING is lost in the process?

Any help to accomplish this is much appreciated !

Thank you all,


PS: Happy 18th birthday to Egypt ! :-)


Can you let me know which "hierachy" I need to move to the new location folder ?

I have already tried simply copying the whole MT4 folder from "program files" to "new location", which should actually include all the history files, all the profiles etc.

But they are all gone when I start MT4 from the new location.

You copied it, but didn't change the registry so it still started the original.

Install and move or install, copy, and delete.



Please, read below it may help you to find where your custom MT4 stuff is in Vista.

You can also eliminate this "weird behavior of Vista" by disabling the "User Account Control" in Vista.

To avoid these issue I personaly always install my MT4 ouside the Program Files folder.



Beginning with Windows Vista, Windows does not allow normal users to create or modify files stored in the "Program Files" folder hierarchy. If a user does attempt to create or modify a file in the "Program Files" folder hierarchy, Windows internally redirects the file to a new folder hierarchy called VirtualStore. The user is not aware of this "secret" file redirection and the user's program behaves as with earlier versions of Windows. However, for file backup purposes, it is very important for users to know that this process is occurring.


If you use EXP to create or modify document templates, insert files, or style sheets, your edited files are actually stored in the following folders:

C:\Users\userid\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Symbol Dynamics\EXP 5.1\Document Templates

C:\Users\userid\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Symbol Dynamics\EXP 5.1\Insert

C:\Users\userid\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Symbol Dynamics\EXP 5.1\Styles

You should also be aware that Windows Vista maintains a separate VirtualStore folder hierarchy for each user. Thus, changes you make to document templates, insert files, and style sheets will only affect EXP when EXP is running under your user account. When other users log into Windows, they will not see any of your changes to document templates, insert files, or style sheets.


Dear Peter Bartkovjak,

thank you for your post and help about the virtual store.

I now understand the whole thing a lot better and I understand why when copying just the folder all the custom user data are not there anymore.

I now managed to copy the folder into a non-"program folder" and then copied all files from the virtualstore - "et voila" everything was there.

Perfect, let's hope when in future running my MT4 out of the new folder, not located in the programs direcotry anymore that the alerts will alays be saved and then this would be an important issue solved for me.

Thank you guys, you have all contributed to make out the root cause of this problem and even managed to provide me guidance on where I need to look to copy all the necessary files.

Thank you to all contributors of this thread!

Wishing everyone great sucess and wonderful year 2011.

Best Regards,
