Meta Trader 5 Build 814 - page 3


 Thank you Alexander. Just updated to 815 on Windows 8 x64 and the sky is blue again. EXCELLENT WORK GUYS.

Have you asked your Broker why they have pushed you a pre-release MT5 Terminal build ?

what's that got to do with broker?

anyway last 5 primary upgrades  contained bugs that made mt5 unusable, so you can just disable the updates by removing access privileges from the directory where upgrades are loaded, and  after the upgrade becomes stable, upgrade it by giving the privileges again.


what's that got to do with broker?

anyway last 5 primary upgrades  contained bugs that made mt5 unusable, so you can just disable the updates by removing access privileges from the directory where upgrades are loaded, and  after the upgrade becomes stable, upgrade it by giving the privileges again.

It's your broker who allowed the update.


what's that got to do with broker?

You obtain this build 814 from your broker ?

angevoyageur, yes, from the broker.

           ^ ^ ^  ^ ^ ^
it's MQ who makes the update available.
it's MQ who makes the update available.
Obviously, via the broker. The broker is the customer of MQ, nothing forced them to publish an update, even if MQ provides one.
it's MQ who makes the update available.
And yes of course MQ should make it availabe to the Broker so the Broker can test with it in a sandbox  . . .  until it is released it shouldn't be going out to the Brokers customers.
I do not think the brokers are having 814 and 815 ...
I do not think the brokers are having 814 and 815 ...
If people get 814/815 from Metaquotes Server, being connected to a Metaquotes demo account, then there is no reason to complain about bugs. This is not an official release.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5
I do not think the brokers are having 814 and 815 ...

I hope you are correct but the OP was quite clear . . .


angevoyageur, yes, from the broker.

  . . .  perhaps bobdanielly  could confirm ?