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Indices Technical Analysis

mazennafee, 2014.07.30 18:12

Amazon Acting Erratically, Short Opportunities In Twitter

 I'm separating the Stage Analysis Report from a separate weekend report for this week and may do that going forward.  This week I'd like to select some charts from different areas and provide some brief comments on them.

First off one of the shocking events of the week was Amazon's (NASDAQ:AMZN) earnings report. Amazon got punished severely on Friday after forecasting a big loss for its next earnings report.  Amazon gapped back below its 200 day moving average on super heavy volume.  Right now there's some fragmented leadership in technology stocks with Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) and Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) making new highs but there are also plenty of stocks like Amazon acting erratic like they are not going higher anytime soon.


Gold has continued it's correction off of the $1340 level but had a big up day Friday.  Technically the gold stocks look awesome in my opinion as long as they hold the 200 day moving average.  Now the 50 day moving average is climbing above the 200, and volume continues to be impressive when gold stocks rally.  Notice that the March rally failed at the 200 day moving average.  This time Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners (ARCA:GDXJ) has been holding that level for a month while gold stocks work off their overbought condition.  I think this is super-bullish and the leading gold stocks are acting extremely well too.  There are still a lot of skeptics and scaredy-cats in the gold sector too which is music to a bull's ears.


Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) is an example of how weak the bounce has been since May in some of the former leading stocks.  This is a fragmented market unlike 2013 where everything went up strongly.  I personally think Twitter is going to go to the single digits, might be a good short candidate in a bear market.



 The Russell 2000 has been acting weak all year.  This isn't a definitive bear signal, but something to pay attention too.  Just looking at the daily volume you can see a ton of high volume selling days.  Plus a head and shoulders pattern is potentially in play here.  The 108 level is one to watch if we get a break lower from there IWM would be in a potential head and shoulders breakdown.

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Trading Support with Brandon Tristan

Every trader seeks out other traders, yet most only find bad advice and shenanigans. Brandon Tristan is part of a world class team that works with groups of traders from around the world every day. This trading environment, XLT (Extended Learning Track), was designed to help traders share ideas, understand trading concepts and apply Online Trading Academy’s patented trading methodology in a live market environment all led by master instructors. Brandon shares some of his highlights before going onto analyze several listener questions regarding the currency market.


2014-07-29 18:00 GMT (or 20:00 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - Federal Funds Rate]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for USD in our case)

USD - Federal Funds Rate = Interest rate at which banks lend balances held at the Federal Reserve to other banks overnight. Short term interest rates are the paramount factor in currency valuation - traders look at most other indicators merely to predict how rates will change in the future


US Federal Reserve leaves policy unchanged despite stronger growth

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday (July 30) stuck to its plan of holding its base interest rate near zero while steadily trimming its stimulus, despite a surprisingly strong second-quarter economic growth report.

The Fed as expected reduced its monthly bond purchases by US$10 billion, taking the programme to US$25 billion a month, but said the low federal funds rate remains needed to support growth and improvement in the labour market.

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