Good morning everyone,

I added a signal but as it was the first time I filled some fields incorrectly so I deleted it and tried to registered again but It says that there is another signal with that account number. How Can I do this?

Samuel Lopez Garcia:

Good morning everyone,

I added a signal but as it was the first time I filled some fields incorrectly so I deleted it and tried to registered again but It says that there is another signal with that account number. How Can I do this?

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Mirko Cerulli:
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Encontrasyte como borrar la señal con ese mismo numero de cuenta???

Samuel Lopez Garcia:

Good morning everyone,

I added a signal but as it was the first time I filled some fields incorrectly so I deleted it and tried to registered again but It says that there is another signal with that account number. How Can I do this?

Estas escribiendo en el foro español en ingles...un aplauso!