Estoy traduciendo una forma experta propia de MQL4 a MQL5, cuando verifico TradeFunctions en MQL5, no hay una función OrderModify.
Esta es una parte del código:
Gracias de antemano.
Puedes usar la clase cTrade (no es la unica forma)
//Al inicio, fuera de OnInit()
#include <Trade/Trade.mqh>
CTrade trade;
int OnInit()
if(!trade.PositionModify(ticket, sl, tp))
Print ("La orden para modificar sl y tp no se ha podido colocar!!! Error: ",GetLastError()); // si no se ha logrado enviar la solicitud, mostrar el código de error
#define EXPERT_MAGIC 123456 // MagicNumber of the expert // + ------------------------------------- ----------------------------- + // | Modification of Stop Loss and Take Profit of position | // + ----------------------------------------------- ------------------- + void OnStart () { // --- declare and initialize the trade request and result of trade request MqlTradeRequest request; MqlTradeResult result; int total = PositionsTotal (); // number of open positions // --- iterate over all open positions for ( int i = 0; i <total; i ++) { // --- parameters of the order ulong position_ticket = PositionGetTicket (i); // ticket of the position string position_symbol = PositionGetString ( POSITION_SYMBOL ); // symbol int digits = ( int ) SymbolInfoInteger (position_symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS ); // number of decimal places ulong magic = PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_MAGIC ); // MagicNumber of the position double volume = PositionGetDouble (POSITION_VOLUME ); // volume of the position double sl = PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_SL ); // Stop Loss of the position double tp = PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_TP ); // Take Profit of the position ENUM_POSITION_TYPE type = ( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ) PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE ); // type of the position // --- output information about the position PrintFormat ( "#% I64u% s% s% .2f% s sl:% s tp:% s [% I64d]" , position_ticket, position_symbol, EnumToString (type), volume, DoubleToString ( PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_PRICE_OPEN ), digits), DoubleToString (sl, digits), DoubleToString (tp, digits), magic); // --- if the MagicNumber matches, Stop Loss and Take Profit are not defined if (magic == EXPERT_MAGIC && sl == 0 && tp == 0 ) { // --- calculate the current price levels double price = PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_PRICE_OPEN ); doublebid = SymbolInfoDouble (position_symbol, SYMBOL_BID ); double ask = SymbolInfoDouble (position_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK ); int stop_level = ( int ) SymbolInfoInteger (position_symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL ); double price_level; // --- if the minimum allowed offset distance in points from the current close price is not set if (stop_level <= 0 ) stop_level = 150 ; // set the offset distance of 150 points from the current close price else stop_level + =50 ; // set the offset distance to (SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL + 50) points for reliability // --- calculation and rounding of the Stop Loss and Take Profit values price_level = stop_level * SymbolInfoDouble (position_symbol, SYMBOL_POINT ); if (type == POSITION_TYPE_BUY ) { sl = NormalizeDouble (bid-price_level, digits); tp = NormalizeDouble (bid + price_level, digits); } else { sl = NormalizeDouble (ask + price_level, digits); tp =NormalizeDouble (ask-price_level, digits); } // --- zeroing the request and result values ZeroMemory (request); ZeroMemory (result); // --- setting the operation parameters request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP ; // type of trade operation request.position = position_ticket; // ticket of the position request.symbol = position_symbol; // symbol = sl; // Stop Loss of the position = tp; // Take Profit of the position request.magic = EXPERT_MAGIC; // MagicNumber of the position // --- output information about the modification PrintFormat ( "Modify #% I64d% s% s" , position_ticket, position_symbol, EnumToString (type)); // --- send the request if (! OrderSend (request, result)) PrintFormat ( "OrderSend error% d" , GetLastError ()); // if unable to send the request, output the error code // --- information about the operation PrintFormat ( "retcode =% u deal =% I64u order =% I64u" , result.retcode,, result.order ); } } } // + ----------------------------------------------- ------------------- +
Example of the TRADE_ACTION_SLTP trade operation for modifying the Stop Loss and Take Profit values of an open position.
SL & TP Modification
Trade order to modify the StopLoss and/or TakeProfit price levels. It requires to specify the following 4 fields:
- action
- symbol
- sl
- tp
- position
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I'm translating an own expert form MQL4 to MQL5, when I check TradeFunctions on MQL5 refrence there's no OrderModify function.
This is a piece of the code:
Thank you in advance.