Indicators: Volume Profile + Range v6.0


Volume Profile + Range v6.0:

Volume Profile + Range v6.0 (former TPO). Distribution of deals by price levels at a given time interval. Displayed as a histogram.

Author: Olexiy Polyakov

Volume Profile + Range v6.0
Volume Profile + Range v6.0
Volume Profile + Range v6.0 (former TPO). Distribution of deals by price levels at a given time interval. Displayed as a histogram. The width of the histogram at the level means the number of transactions carried out on it. If a broker provides data on a real volume, the indicator is able to display distribution on it as well. VP: display...

Super awesome indicator! Would it be possible to have the mode lines on the profile extend out into the future like a naked POC?? Like this below.  This is the indicator here (  It is great but if it had the option for mode lines it would be perfect

The Price Histogram (Market Profile) and its implementation in MQL5
The Price Histogram (Market Profile) and its implementation in MQL5
  • 2010.01.28
  • Dmitry Voronkov
The Market Profile was developed by trully brilliant thinker Peter Steidlmayer. He suggested to use the alternative representation of information about "horizontal" and "vertical" market movements that leads to completely different set of models. He assumed that there is an underlying pulse of the market or a fundamental pattern called the cycle of equilibrium and disequilibrium. In this article I will consider Price Histogram — a simplified model of Market Profile, and will describe its implementation in MQL5.

Could this indicator be made available in MT4,Please ? 


I am tring to understand the right way the indicator.

And in do not understand theese option on the 1st unfolded menu :
 - Between lines
 - Last Minutes
 - Minutes to Lines.

Can somebody explain it to me please ?


PS :
I do not understand this short explaination

Range modeRange boundary indication method:
  • Between lines - between two lines
  • Last minutes - last RangeMinutes minutes
  • Minitues to line - RangeMinutes to the right line

PS 2 : i understood the "between two lines" mode. But not the 2 others options.

Volume Profile + Range v6.0:

Author: Olexiy Polyakov

Thank you very much for this free kit.
God bless.

Is there any possibility to add a Value Area zone for the VP-Range Indicator? Thanks in advance!


Some errors are occurring when I tried to compile the indicator within the Metaeditor 5 build 1861 as per attached log.

Could you please help me in solve this issue or simple share the .ex5 files?

Many thanks!


Log.txt  3 kb


Some errors are occurring when I tried to compile the indicator within the Metaeditor 5 build 1861 as per attached log.

Could you please help me in solve this issue or simple share the .ex5 files?

Many thanks!



iTime -> miTime

iBarShift -> miBarShift

That's all!

This indicator looks awesome! Unfortunately, I'm having problems downloading it. I followed the provided instructions without success, and was unable to successfully download it from codebase inside mt5. This is the only indicator I've ever had any problems downloading. I would really appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue.


Is there a setting for background drawing?

This indicator looks awesome! Unfortunately, I'm having problems downloading it. I followed the provided instructions without success, and was unable to successfully download it from codebase inside mt5. This is the only indicator I've ever had any problems downloading. I would really appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue.

Volume Profile + Range v6.0:

Author: Olexiy Polyakov


Volume Profile + Range v6.0:

Author: Olexiy Polyakov

@Samuel MinistarThierry Ramaniraka @Md Akter Hossain@Marat Guseynov