What is your most important criteria to choose a signal?

  • 20% (21)
  • 21% (22)
  • 7% (7)
  • 8% (9)
  • 12% (13)
  • 8% (8)
  • 6% (6)
  • 13% (14)
  • 6% (6)
Total voters: 44
Multiple answers possible. For me its clearly Profit% and DD% and there should also be at least 3 weeks of trading. And its always nice to have a comunicative provider.

Multiple answers are selected.

Profit % + D/D % + Providers balance + Months of successful tradings. 

These are most important to justify a signal.

Already I had posted a blog here regarding copy trades, hope my logic will be helpful to find out a good signal.

Find out better signal 

Careful from fraud signal 



profit%+Drawdown %+acco. age

Profit / Drawdown / Equity for signal value. :)
Seems like its DD/Profit for now, which is really interesting i think. Right now i always thought its mostly Profit + Subscriber, because the profit part made people greedy and dream about high numbers of money, while a high amount of subscriber got them the feeling they are not alone and that they are more save in a group than alone. I mean, its proved that people tend to do whatever a big group of other people do, even if its completly stupid.
In addition

I am very keen about the signal provider profits withdrawals..
Suppose he start in 1000usd then he make a double, then he had the total of 2000usd, after that he withdrawed 1000usd (his initial capital)

Then rxpect of big DD and more rusk after his capital had withdrawed because he has nothing to lose....

I am always aware of this point

The most important factor you didn't include in list  which is equity  , mostly signal accounts DD have a direct connection with equity.  Holding an equity is a basic Art or technique and it shows how much correct predictions or  strategy.

Mostly peoples works with small capital and other side mostly brokers also don't likes if trader put big amount they knows trader will win.  Why peoples don't put big amount many factors they don't trust on broker, they afraid that they will loose the game etc. 

So if a limited capital is involve then an equity is everything.  

Best of luck  

Interesting point Waseem. What actually came into my mind: Does anyone is deciding by the price of the signal? The most seem to be 20$/Month, would you also subscribe one for 30, 40 or even 50 bucks?
all of them
none of them