Why does MT5 not use the whole space available on the chart? - page 5

I have just downloaded another MT5 from activtrades and i notice that this broker has 5 decimal places and also no gaps at the bottom of the chart. i Also notice that the toolbox does not include a 'calendar' tab. The instaforex charts with no gaps also did not have a calendar tab. The flags of the calendar also appear at the bottom of the chart so i'm thinking the gaps must be making room for this feature if the broker actually uses it. I'm guessing the key to getting rid of the gap would be to tell MT5 there is no calendar and therefore no need for a gap when the data loads.
Alexander Puzanov:

Gap ~2500 pts - see pic #1. MetaQuotes demo server. But if you scroll a bit, and there is no gap - see pic #2. This is auto-scaling algorithm issue. BTW, seems like auto-scaling algorithm is the most secret MQ technology - I could not get it on forum or via service desk request (ticket #1270449)
That's definitively a bug. What about your ticket, no answer at all ?
this page https://www.metatrader5.com/en/terminal/help/startworking/interface states that the economic calender tab will be missing if it is not enabled on the trade server "This tab may be missing if the economic calendar is disabled on a trade server". My hunch is that if this is the case then there is no gap at the bottom of the charts. Might be wrong though. Apologies for my ignorance but would this mean there is no way to disable the tab from inside the platform?
Alain Verleyen:
That's definitively a bug. What about your ticket, no answer at all ?
My question was not about this bug, but about the algorithm which MT uses for auto-scaling. Got no explanation

i'd say that happens because the chart keeps what is called the aspect ratio.

it keeps a relationship between height and width.


I seem to have found the reason for the huge gap at the bottom of charts. Its the Volumes. On the MT5 broker called Activ Trades The MT5 platform had no gaps at the bottom. I signed in to another broker (ForexTime) using the same platform i downloaded from Activ without changing any of the settings and the gaps reappeared. The difference between them is that ForexTime sends volume information as data and Activ does not. Therefore the space is created in case the trader wishes to see the volumes at the space. If the trader does not wish to turn volumes on then they are left with a wasted blank for no reason.  

Further proof that the gap is being made for when volume data is being sent came on FXpro's MT5. Please see the chart.


Conclusion:: Gaps appear on the charts if volume data is being sent for that instrument whether you use Volumes in your analysis or not. This is bad news if you don't use volume analysis which is imo not very useful for FOREX anyway. So at the moment we are giving up valuable screen real estate for something that is pretty useless to most traders. Would anyone have a solution? 
