AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 154

Реter Konow #:

I am tired of repeating myself.)) Objective is the surrounding world with its material objects and properties. It exists independently of us....

What if it's just a collective glitch?

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
How will the world continue to exist without us, when the very notion of existence is gone? :) and why will it continue, how do you know?

All the great-great-grandfathers are no longer in this world, and the world is in place.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

All great-great-great-grandfathers are no longer in this world, and the world is in place.

And for whom are they not and for whom were they?)
And what is it to exist objectively if there is no one to determine objectivity
Consciousness determines being, or being consciousness?)
By the way, there will be not only no concept of existence, but also no concept of the world when there will be no you. In fact, there will be nothing. And how will you determine that there is something, through what? After all, there will be no information either.

And if there is nothing for you, there is nothing for anyone, because there is no one. And how will you prove from the state of non-existence that there is existence?
Реter Konow #:

It is difficult for us to imagine the world outside of our information about it, so it seems that information exists by itself, but it is not so. Matter exists, and it is only at a high level of its organisation, when creatures capable of processing data appear, that information appears. They use it to survive and adapt to conditions. For man, increasing information about the world has long been an end in itself and he invented many methods of working with it (which confuses us), but the essence of the concept does not change.


Q: "When we take a photograph, we turn light (matter) into an image (information) using a camera."
How would you describe what is happening: matter = information?

Answer: "Matter does not equal information. Matter and information are different concepts that have different properties and functions. Matter is substance that has mass and occupies space. Information is data that can be processed and used for different purposes. When we take a photograph, we are not converting matter into information, but we are converting one form of matter (light) into another form of matter (an electrical signal), which can then be interpreted as information (an image)."

Question, "We convert one form of matter (light) into another form of matter (an electrical signal), which can then be interpreted as information (an image)."
Matter is interpreted as information?

Answer: " Yes, we can say that matter is interpreted as information when we use our senses or instruments to get data from matter. For example, when we see colour, we interpret the wavelength of light (matter) as information about the colour. When we feel heat, we interpret the speed of molecules (matter) as information about temperature. When we hear sound, we interpret the vibration of air (matter) as information about sound. However, this interpretation depends on our perception or the algorithm we use to process the data. Different beings or systems may interpret the same matter differently or not at all."

Question, "Different beings or systems may interpret the same matter differently or not interpret it at all."
So whether matter can be interpreted as information depends on the method of observation used and the observer himself?

The answer is " Yes, I think that is a correct statement. Whether matter is interpreted as information depends on the method of observation used and the observer himself. Different methods of observation can give different data from the same matter. For example, if we look at a star in a telescope, we get information about its visible light. If we look at a star in a radio telescope, we get information about its radio waves. If we look at a star in a spectroscope, we get information about its chemical composition. Different observers may have different ways of perceiving or processing data from the same matter. For example, if we show a coloured picture to a human and a bee, they will see it differently because they have different types of receptors in their eyes. If we show a colour picture to an AI and a human, they will also see it differently because they have different algorithms for processing images."


This is what I mean:"Information ( facts) exists independently of knowledge about thatinformation on the part of the subject."

Sergey Gridnev #:
You better watch your shit.
You're the one who's warm.

I'm lazy now, I'll do a top pick.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
And for whom are they not and for whom were they?)
And what is it to exist objectively if there is no one to define objectivity
Consciousness defines being, or is being consciousness?)

Just because you can't see a gopher doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Being and consciousness influence each other mutually.

Lilita Bogachkova #:


Q: "When we take a photograph, we turn light (matter) into an image (information) with a camera."
How would you describe what is happening: matter = information?

Answer: "Matter does not equal information. Matter and information are different concepts that have different properties and functions. Matter is substance that has mass and occupies space. Information is data that can be processed and used for different purposes. When we take a photograph, we are not converting matter into information, we are converting one form of matter (light) into another form of matter (an electrical signal) which can then be interpreted as information (an image)."

Question: "We convert one form of matter (light) into another form of matter (an electrical signal) which can then be interpreted as information (an image)."
Matter is interpreted as information?

Answer: " Yes, we can say that matter is interpreted as information when we use our senses or instruments to get data from matter. For example, when we see colour, we interpret the wavelength of light (matter) as information about the colour. When we feel heat, we interpret the speed of molecules (matter) as information about temperature. When we hear sound, we interpret the vibration of air (matter) as information about sound. However, this interpretation depends on our perception or the algorithm we use to process the data. Different beings or systems may interpret the same matter differently or not at all."

Question, "Different beings or systems may interpret the same matter differently or not interpret it at all."
So whether matter can be interpreted as information depends on the method of observation used and the observer himself?

The answer is " Yes, I think that is a correct statement. Whether matter is interpreted as information depends on the method of observation used and the observer himself. Different methods of observation can give different data from the same matter. For example, if we look at a star in a telescope, we get information about its visible light. If we look at a star in a radio telescope, we get information about its radio waves. If we look at a star in a spectroscope, we get information about its chemical composition. Different observers may have different ways of perceiving or processing data from the same matter. For example, if we show a coloured picture to a human and a bee, they will see it differently because they have different types of receptors in their eyes. If we show a colour picture to an AI and a human, they will also see it differently because they have different algorithms for processing images."


This is what I mean:"Information ( facts) exists independently of the subject's knowledge of that information."

The meaning of AI's answers coincides with my point of view (although I have not communicated with him on this topic), but he and you are missing an important detail - the work of a person creating information.

Above, I wrote about the work of the mind with data. Matter does not provide any "facts", it transmits data to the organs of perception or instruments of measurement. We reproduce a picture of a phenomenon by applying processing methods and approaches to interpretation that evolve and change as science progresses.

The earth is NOT actually a circle. A circle is an abstract product of the mind. Generalisation. Vacuum - in reality, it is not empty. The sun, in reality, is not hot. This thought can be developed further. The speed of light is not 300,000 kilometres per second, but an infinite approximation to that figure.

Facts are subjective knowledge constructed by our measures, estimates and generalisations. A product of the human mind.

you have to ask several people a pre-written question at once and see what the AI answers.
Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Just because you can't see a gopher doesn't mean there isn't one.

Being and consciousness influence each other mutually.

Who sees it? And for whom it is or is not.