An Incredible situation In User Interface Design


Meta Quotes its 2023 , please provide traders with an option to turn off MT5 tool tip nuisance.

The MT5 tool tip draws its own window over the current location of the mouse, preventing user from being able to click that area , and in fast trading situation this is like having a rat running around  in airplane cockpit during landing. 

Th at least  thing you want when your money is on the line is not being able to be sure you can click anywhere you want in UI without interference .

When its not blocking click spots, on the charts its blocking the view indicators.

Could we please have a menu bar button to turn off the  tool tip when its not needed which is 99.99% of the time.

I just lost a trade cause the tool tip  was blocking the area i wanted to click  on to move to next tab of chart.

How do you expect people to trade with a product that has such a nuisance  that could get in the way at critical time of trading.

you should google what people are saying about this MT5  tooltip issue , it will make you laugh.

Its like a rat in the cockpit


Tooltip clicking issue?

I have never had the tooltip block me from clicking where I want.

Can you show a screenshot (or GIF animation) please, as I really don't see to what you are referring?


Meta Quotes its 2023 , please provide traders with an option to turn off MT5 tool tip nuisance.

The MT5 tool tip draws its own window over the current location of the mouse, preventing user from being able to click that area , and in fast trading situation this is like having a rat running around  in airplane cockpit during landing. 

Th at least  thing you want when your money is on the line is not being able to be sure you can click anywhere you want in UI without interference .

When its not blocking click spots, on the charts its blocking the view indicators.

Could we please have a menu bar button to turn off the  tool tip when its not needed which is 99.99% of the time.

I just lost a trade cause the tool tip  was blocking the area i wanted to click  on to move to next tab of chart.

How do you expect people to trade with a product that has such a nuisance  that could get in the way at critical time of trading.

you should google what people are saying about this MT5  tooltip issue , it will make you laugh.

Its like a rat in the cockpit

The only way i can assume you never seen this issue is if you have tool tip disabled, could you share how to disable.

When the market gets busy , and CPU is struggling, those tool tips stay where they are even after the mouse is moved, as you can see, so  then prevents you from being able to interact with what's behind the little window drawn  by tooltip, As in this case i cannot not access the chart tab behind the tooltip.

if am analysing an indicator and indicator and use my mouse as pointer  to guide my eyes, tool tip comes up to block indicator, and when MT5 is busy during market, that window that tooltip window stays on screen blocking for quite  a while. 

Its both blocking view of charts, and preventing  interaction with user interface where it draws its tool tip window.

In my case my indicator setup means every tiny area of chart screen is important , and what i put here as example chart is not the indicator  setup i use , just put this as example.

As far as am aware , tool tips are usually transparent so you can see what its blocking, and there is usually a way to kill the tool tip if its taking too long to fade out, or better yet  easy access menu button or hot key to disable tool tip when its not needed, which is most of the time.

Am sorry to say stuff like this should not have passed testing for a trading platform where people have their life savings at stake. It actually prevents you from being able to interact with user interface at critical times.


bottom line what i noticed is that Mt5 tool tip becomes a total nuisance once the CPU is under load during busy market times.


I've never had that happen to me.

The tooltip appears only after a delay if the mouse does not move and it disappears as soon as the mouse moves slightly. In fact, I usually have to be careful to not touch the mouse if I want to read the tooltip.

This functionality as I have described it, has been the norm on MetaTrader since back when I first started with MT4, even before MT5 came out, and this is the first time I read about such an issue.

However, I did a search on the forum and the only found one other thread with a similar issue ... How to remove tooltip ?

I found no other similar threads, so this must be a rare issue, probably related to a specific setup, graphics card or display driver.

EDIT: By the way, as far as I remember, the tooltip functionality is under control of the Windows operating system display API and not so much by the application itself, so it may in fact be a display driver issue.