Time Zones on Charts

There are many trading platforms which haave charts and all have different Time Zones, some GMT, some European, some US EST, and an odd one gives the trader the right to have local times. Is it possible to allow the trader to set as a default the Time Zone that suite the individual.
client terminal shows server time that connected to. and times written in the log are same and server times written in the server logs are same. there is particularly useful for conflicts resolving

I must say the client terminal time has always been an issue for me as well as other traders I know who use Metatrader.

Main uses for time display for me is both for News Announcements and market opening times. Dependent on the broker, the time displayed varies and causing confusion in working out the time differences between server, market and local times. I'm sure there must be a better way to make this easier whilst still maintaining conflict resolution date stamps.

I don't see any reason why GMT, Local, server times still can't be an option to display all, some or one from Options.

sorry, MetaTrader client terminal of the 4-th version will show server time always.
i hope in short time You will find broker with MT in your time zone

What timesone is being used? It does not appear to be GMT? Off by one hour.

Can you consider a future version that will offer the user the ability to display (not log) any timezone the users selects on the client terminal? This will more than likely require some additional code on the client side to shift the display time by user selectable hours.

1. GMT+1 hour + Daylight correction
2. we'll not consider in the future user time, sorry - You can write script wich output to some TextLabel object local time